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Everything posted by ickmule

  1. He was tough but no longer. His body has taken a huge battering and he is 32. If that line doesn’t do better at Protecting him he won’t last the season. I’m worried about his shoulder, I don’t think it will hold up.
  2. I don’t see that happening. Unless Cam lights it up, which I don’t see happening, both will be gone next season.
  3. Like they would. Players are not going to much of anything, you know that.
  4. We will see. He’s extremely unlikeable and i would bet the team has lost respect for him.
  5. No.... They are not. This staff is a dumpster fire and people are living in 2015 thinking Cam will dominate. He is average at best at this stage. Temper the excitement.
  6. Rhule has lost this team.... Even with a better option at QB it will still spiral out of control for the rest of this season. Rhule is not NFL HC material and he is unlikable to say the least. He may get another season as HC, but I wouldn't bet on it.
  7. Cam is an upgrade, But don't get your hopes up for many wins. This o-line blows and we all remember what happened to Cam last he was here behind a bunch of losers "blocking" for him.
  8. Rhule is now on a very short leash I would bet. I hope so anyway, the dude is a shitty coach and I honestly think he has lost the team.
  9. Desperation. These ass clowns actually think they can compete in the playoffs. That’s pretty funny, as long as Rhule is coach this team is nothing but average
  10. No question he is better than what we have, but in all honesty that’s not saying much. We aren’t all of a sudden contenders for anything, this team is still only about a 7 or 8 win team. putting cam in this weekend may be a huge mistake, that defense is gonna go balls out to hit him, hard and often. The secret to rattling cam is well known and that defense is good.
  11. It will be interesting for sure. I watched almost every Patriot game last season and Cam wasn’t very good very often. I still think physically he’s done, but we will see. I hope people temper their excitement because they may be in for a real letdown. Some people expect Brady to come up with a playbook to suit Cam, that’s funny, Brady doesn’t have a clue.
  12. Based on his recent play and Brady as OC I’m not either. I hope they prove me wrong, but this move screams desperation. Yes, this team is desperate so it makes sense. I feel bad for Cam because once again he will be a battering ram behind this line.
  13. He still has to play behind the o line. That ain’t good.
  14. I hope so too, but let’s be honest, Cam has to play behind this O line. How many weeks you think he will last ? I’m not trying to be funny here.
  15. So had the fan base. The dude sucks. Is this that answer ? Only time will tell.
  16. Throwing pass after pass into the ground has nothing to do with anything you mentioned. I think you’re the dumbass.
  17. Dude, you sure are an angry soul. Try happiness, it’s fun.
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