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Everything posted by ickmule

  1. Man, I hope he his wrong.... This team is the least fun to watch ever knowing Rhule may be back another season. The guy is lost.
  2. No one knows…… but he should have been fired already.
  3. That’s presser proves without a doubt, not that we didn’t already know, that Rhule is clueless. He has thrown in the towel.
  4. Isn’t it fun to root for the new laughing stock of the nfl?
  5. I mean, if it was up to me he would have never been hired unless it was for someone to hold my clipboard.
  6. If Rhule stays it doesn’t matter who the other coaches are, the issues start at the top.
  7. Tepper took a bad situation and made it worse. Who’d a thunk that would happen ?
  8. As much as many of you like to trash RR, he is head and shoulders above Rhule in coaching and motivational ability. Players really love Ron and I think play hard for him.
  9. I doubt Cam will be a Panther after this season. I believe bringing him back was a last ditch effort to save this season and that has fallen flat on its face.
  10. Dude will never play a full season again. He’s broken. This franchise has wasted 3 of the most talented players of all time.
  11. I think many of us share these same sentiments. Sadly after the SB50 loss I became much less attached and have not watched a full season since. Now that we have new ownership, and bad one at that, nothing has the same feel as it once did. Tepper has managed to take a franchise we were all proud to pull for and destroy it in less than 3 seasons. I’d like to think there is hope, but so far Tepper has not show he can or will make the right moves to turn this around.
  12. There is also a segment that can’t admit Cam has faults with his playing. To them nothing is Cams fault, it’s always everyone else.
  13. Hmmmm…..funny thing, so many were convinced this team was all of a sudden a playoff contender a few weeks ago, Now it’s “it’s been 3 games”. This team is not a playoff caliber team, Cam was never the answer to making it one. Some are living in 2015 and Cam is not even 50% of that QB from 2015. This franchise from the top down is grasping at straws in hopes they find the one without a slit in the side.
  14. Like I said, believe what you will. So many on this forum said how much better he would be “with all this talent” we have. How’s that looking so far? For some odd reason there are too many that can’t accept the fact Cam is just not a good QB any longer.
  15. Believe what you want. Cam played awful last season, it’s pretty obvious, a rookie beat him out and caused him to be released.
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