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Everything posted by ickmule

  1. I’ve been there for a while. Watched more this season though hoping it would get better. With Rhule likely coming back Im checking out until he’s gone.
  2. Yeah, I have to agree. I may just give up altogether stop watching football. I was a Redskin fan until 1995, I don’t think I can go back to that mess either. Snyder is just as big of a douche as Tepper is.
  3. Well folks, find yourselves a nice hobby for next season. It’s going to suck beyond belief. Tepper is a moron.
  4. If that’s the case all hope is lost. Without hope you have nothing.
  5. Every day that passes this franchise becomes more dysfunctional...... If Rhule is retained I'm going to watch zero games next season.
  6. And how do you know that ? Almost every single one of the 2 plus dozen people I know in the medical field all think it’s bullshit and they work in the $hit every day. Only one thinks it’s a real threat and she is an admin in the hospital, not on the front line.
  7. Ramp up the fear, that’s all the media has done for 2 years. Omicron is nothing more than a cold, stop the nonsense. Oh, I forgot, it’s cauliflowerornia.
  8. Won’t it be fun to watch another season of this ?
  9. What we have boys and girls is a total clusterfug of an organization
  10. Until Rhule is gone I don't care what any of the players say. This is a dysfunctional team and franchise. Nothing will correct that until Rhule is replaced with a real coach.
  11. I have a real bad feeling this clown will be here next season and I don’t like it.
  12. They can't, they just can't see beyond the blinders.
  13. Some of you are crazy and living in dream land.
  14. No one did, but his performance says all we need to know. He’s done.
  15. Cam won’t be on an NFL roster next season. Write it down.
  16. We don’t have to worry about what we will do if that happens because it won’t happen.
  17. You know some still think Cam is the savior. What’s funny is how they just watched him not save this team this season, after claiming we were playoff bound when he was resigned, and now it’s everyone else’s fault Cam failed. It amazes me and can’t figure out what they were watching during the games Cam played this season. He was god awful and it wasn’t just the fault of the line. Dude can’t hit the broad side of a barn from 10 years any longer.
  18. He’s actually just Z. Last in the alphabet just like he’s last at coaching.
  19. Take off your rose colored glasses bro. I know you love the memory of what Cam was, but he’s no longer a fraction of that player.
  20. And think, we could have Ben Navarro as owner. Man, that sounds good about now.
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