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Everything posted by ickmule

  1. There has never been logic used during this 2 year fiasco.
  2. Give away the farm for a QB that can’t save the franchise alone. We already had a generational talent at QB without an OL. Why replay that story ? It’ll just be ground hog day all over again.
  3. You’ll have to break the good ole boy network first. These clowns pretty much choose who gets in their club. Case in point: Tepper.
  4. I’m in the business of caring even less as each day passes.
  5. That was one of the most boring Super Bowls on record and the officiating was horrendous. It’s apparently now more obvious than ever that the nfl is now a spin off of the WWE.
  6. Honestly, as long as Tepper is owner I don’t see me being super excited regardless of what happens. He’s a terrible owner.
  7. Never have we seen this level of disfunction . Tepper must have his head up his ass.
  8. Tepper is a clown as is a Rhule. We ended up with the worst owner in football and it’s not even close. Until Tepper hires the right coach and stays TF out of the way this team is going to suck.
  9. Remember, this is our coach. It won’t matter who the QB is. 4 to 6 wins next season is the ceiling.
  10. Tepper Sports and Entertainment…..that in itself is hilarious. Using Entertainment in the name for anything he has done to date is simply comedy.
  11. I mean they do have one of the best young QB’s to come along in a long while….so there’s that. we have no one with no one at the end of the tunnel.
  12. They haven’t played great for a while.
  13. He ain’t coming to this joke of a franchise. Stop fooling yourself.
  14. I do. Tampa is not playing well right now.
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