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Everything posted by ickmule

  1. Don’t get your hopes up. Find a hobby or turn the game on as background noise and just laugh at the $hitshow. You’ll be much happier.
  2. Tepp must be so proud of what he has built so far.
  3. Tepper please end this $hitshow. No way you can be this damn dumb, there has to be other reasons you are keeping Rhule around.
  4. We lack talent in a large fashion. Other teams brass are saying it.
  5. No, I'm not special and my remarks were sarcastic.... You though, are very special I'm sure.
  6. If that happens please delete this forum so we can all move along and completely move on past anything Panther related.
  7. We are going 1-3 or 0-4 over the next 4 with or without him.
  8. Tepper took an average proud franchise and turned it into dung in less than 4 years. It's going to take 5 years minimum from the removal of this trash staff to right this ship
  9. Everyone knows Rhule is nothing more than a second tier college coach except Tepper. Im starting to think Tepp is mentality challenged.
  10. Long ago everyone except our illustrious owner knew Rhule was a joke. I have low expectations that anything Tepper does moving forward will be a positive.
  11. The brand is non existent and there is no process. These dudes are clueless. .
  12. I can see people hating him. Hell, I’d say the majority of fans hate him. I know I do and he hasn’t cost me a dime.
  13. I was not a fan of the Baker before he came to Carolina and he just proved my lack of being a fan to be the correct thought. Dude is a head case and will never be great or even above average at playing the QB.
  14. Guys, the plan is 1000% working.
  15. My question to him is, what’s wrong with balls ? There are all kinds of balls in various shapes and sizes.
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