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Everything posted by ickmule

  1. Yeah, sadly he is screwed with this low talent train wreck.
  2. If it’s Quinn I’m out for good. Tepper would once again make a terrible decision to run this hell hole further into the ground.
  3. Good call. I have never felt he would build a successful team. He has done nothing to change my mind to date and that includes firing Rhule which was the right move. He’s got a huge hill to climb and I’m not confident he can reach the top, or even close.
  4. If we had an actual NFL caliber QB, maybe, but we don’t. That includes all 3.
  5. Such a breath of fresh air. Love hearing him talk and his sternness is a welcome change.
  6. I wish he would sell this franchise. He’s a terrible owner.
  7. 20 years from now he may have learned enough to actually be a good owner, but I doubt it. He acted like he was mad at the world and the only person he should be mad at is himself. He needs to take a long look in the mirror.
  8. He’s not a likable guy in anyway. I’ve always felt that way and this just confirms how I feel. Sorry, but I’m not convinced he will ever field a consistent winner. I do wish Wilkes all the best and hope, if he rights the ship, he gets serious consideration for HC.
  9. I’m not sure he is at this point. Appears to have lost a step.
  10. Figured I would post this one more time while I still have a chance. He may not be on the field for the Panthers again.
  11. Now if we could just get Tepper to sell.
  12. Tepper ain’t well thought of amongst the fans. that thread proves it
  13. For me the damage is done. I will never get tied up in this team like I was until 2018. That season ruined my love for this franchise. I will always pay attention to some extent but win or lose I really don’t care.
  14. This team will never make it remotely close to a Super Bowl with Tepper as owner.
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