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Everything posted by ickmule

  1. Do like I do, watch when there is nothing else going on and hope they lose. It’s so much fun because the outcome you are looking for happens more often than not.
  2. Was failure from the day he became owner.
  3. I still can’t see what any of the defenders see. He just can’t play at this level.
  4. Tepper getting what he deserves. This is so awesome to watch.
  5. All his passes lack velocity. His arm really is a noodle.
  6. His passes lack accuracy and velocity. Arm is a noodle.
  7. If i was Tabor I’d throw Dalton in on the next series just to see what’s up. Fug Tepper.
  8. When you are Bryce Young it’s what you are good at.
  9. I’m actually sitting in my truck waiting for my wife to get out of Hallmark. It’s raining and nasty, but this is more fun than watching shorty throw passes into the turf.
  10. If Tepper is still the owner I’m hoping for another 1 win season.
  11. He’s not coming here. I hope on one is getting their hopes up.
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