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Everything posted by ickmule

  1. I’d say there is definitely a lawsuit coming. Tepper has a way with getting those filed against him. Right or wrong on this one, Tep is a rolling clown show.
  2. Based on this I’d say hell no: https://www.wccbcharlotte.com/2023/01/26/steve-wilks-attorneys-shocked-and-disturbed-he-was-passed-over-for-panthers-head-coach-job/?alert=1980358&alert_type=banner&fbclid=IwAR3VDjRoJFEUjgWJkN4g2lIHulrvqhSzoOspwjBubPCeMQc_v3laVV7-8kM&mibextid=Zxz2cZ
  3. Good for him. He’s better off as far away from this Tepper train wreck as he can get.
  4. Only second to the the day Tepper became owner.
  5. Time will tell, but I don't this it is better than Wilks. I was going to change out my profile pic, but until Tepper proves he is not a clown I am leaving it as is.
  6. If my son doesn't want it I have an authentic helmet and case for free..... This franchise is straight $hit.
  7. I'm with her. Tepper is a clown and not once has he done anything to show us differently .
  8. Crap hire. Y’all will feel the same way before mid 2nd season.
  9. I think I would trust Wilks with hiring a staff. He has yet to be given the chance so we have no idea what he would do. I'm also of the opinion that they hire someone as HC out of left field after all of this and none of what we are hearing is close to the truth.
  10. No way to know if Wilks would have us at mediocrity. He was never given a fighting chance at HC. I will be here to say I told you so when Reich flops and to eat crow if he doesn’t, but I’ve been around the block long enough to know his style and personality won’t last long term. Wilks did extremely well with the hand he was dealt and 1000% deserves a shot. Anything less than HC and I expect him to walk away. If he doesn’t I lose a lot of respect for him.
  11. We will see but I disagree. The grown men thing means nothing. I managed for 20+ years and adults are like children quite often. It takes a certain type of personality to manage and lead over the long haul. The Reich type won’t last but a few years before players will start drifting.
  12. I’ve said it many times, I think he’s being sold short. I think he will have this team in the playoffs next season and do well in them. Not Super Bowl quality, but that is just lack of talent. I feel Reich is too soft spoken and that won’t go well in the locker room. I think he will be on the hot seat in 2 years tops.
  13. True, but I still don’t think he’s what this franchise needs to build excitement. I’ve never been a fan of his more reserved personality. I prefer a stern matter of fact personality.
  14. I’m looking to be underwhelmed to be honest. If it’s Reich it does absolutely nothing for me.
  15. Actually you dont have proof yet. Wilks was 6-6. That’s .500 and not losing.
  16. No thanks. That’s going to be a losing combo.
  17. This franchise has always had problems filling the stands. I grew up in DC rooting for the Redskins and Charlotte can’t hold a candle to those fans in DC. Even after 25+ years it’s still a weak fan base as a whole.
  18. Nope. I like aggravating sensitive people.
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