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Everything posted by ickmule

  1. Oh, I have credentials….although none for NFL coaching or scouting. So, technically I do have credentials. Lol.
  2. I mean, Tepper is a clown so……
  3. All of that does not make Him a winning head coach. I give no one credit or praise until they earn it. It’s only my opinion, but selecting Young will prove an error in judgment.
  4. You shouldn’t. They haven’t proven anything yet and I’m not impressed with Reich’s history of coaching.
  5. I was afraid of this and it’s all the wrong reason to select him.
  6. Stating facts, not whining or calling names and our team projecting anyone at #1 doesn’t make me feel any better because our team is still a joke until proven otherwise.
  7. That’s nice and I’m happy for you. These same people you trust make bad decisions often about players. Young is a midget and it will prove to be a mistake. He’s certainly a smart player, but he’s simply small and no one can correct that.
  8. There may not be a dumber franchise owner right now than Tepper. He did hire Rhule and so far we have zero proof this latest staff is any improvement. On paper it might be, but as for players chosen and win totals we have no idea and I’m not so sure Reich is going to be any better than the Fox and Rivera’s that everyone now rags on. Actually I’d bet $20 he won’t be better.
  9. Folks will realize pretty fast this experiment is a huge mistake. I’m not surprised at all by the fact they may be seriously considering picking him, it is after all Teppers chosen crew and we all know Tepper has yet to make a solid decision.
  10. No hate here, just don’t think he’s the answer. Time will prove me correct.
  11. And how many times have these same people been wrong about the best QB in a draft? Many, that’s how many. I’m still not in the trust Reich club yet. He’s done nothing to deserve that trust yet.
  12. Young will prove to be a huge mistake. I hope he’s not the pick, but if he is that gives me Sundays clear again.
  13. I will be extremely disappointed if it is. He’s the wrong choice.
  14. I’m cautiously optimistic, but won’t put much energy into yet. It’s Tepper, so I’m leery.
  15. More like I don’t really care because I’m old enough and realize life is more than a stupid football team and I’m not wasting my time on Sundays on a franchise that can’t pour piss out of a boot with the directions written on the heel.
  16. I emotionally left this $hitty franchise in 2018. I have been willing to give it chances to redeem itself, but so far that hasn’t happened .
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