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Everything posted by ickmule

  1. Funny thing is I’m not whining, ever. I just come here to ruffle feathers and it’s apparent I ruffled yours.
  2. So nothing will change ? This franchise has been a laughing stock for a while now. Just sayin.
  3. Tom Brady had flaws ? I don’t recall any.
  4. I’d say this is it all the way. Everyone was acting like the Reich hiring was such a great move. I never quite saw it as that. These clowns are going to draft a player that won them over on personality off the field and that sounds like a Tepper move all day long.
  5. I’d wait until he proves he can succeed in the NFL. Might want to save that money because when he is noting more than average you will be sorry you wasted the cash.
  6. It’s going to be hilarious watching this forum when Parcells is right. Lol.
  7. Boy, I hope not. The Falcons always give us fits and he will make it worse.
  8. I don’t want him to fail, but I feel like that’s going to happen. He is super small for an NFL QB.
  9. Ima laugh like hell when shorty flops like a fish out of water. This will prove another blunder for the Tepper owned Panthers
  10. The better question is, will Bryce make it through the entire season without missing games due to injury. To answer your question, no, he won’t make the pro bowl.
  11. Logging in doesn’t equal watching, but I wouldn’t expect you to realize that.
  12. This is the reason that if he is the pick I am doing something else on Sundays other than watch the circus.
  13. You are on to something. He’s going to be a bust so teams may want to steer clear.
  14. That is why he should not be the pick. He is going to get killed.
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