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Everything posted by ickmule

  1. Egos always getting in the way. Can you imagine making even 20 million to chase quarterbacks ? These clowns make me laugh. Invest 1 years worth of that wisely and you are set for life.
  2. He’s full of $hit that’s what.
  3. He’s dead to me now. Sit out all season for all I care.
  4. Give it time. Many in here will have him at the top of the list. I will predict that he won’t make it to mid season before some are screaming.
  5. Let’s all speculate. That’s fun. Lol.
  6. Blah blah blah blah…..6-11 or 7-10. Just say it Fitt.
  7. Pretty sweet play. I’m impressed with his calm and cool demeanor in the pocket. That alone will make him better than most.
  8. Only time will tell….stay tuned, we are about to find out.
  9. I see 6 or 7 tops. This team ain’t very good.
  10. Some fans placed way to high expectations of #9. He’s not the savior and he isn’t Cam by any stretch. He’s more a game manager and not a home run threat like Cam was. It’s going to be rough going for at least 2 years if not more.
  11. 100% me ^^^^^^^ this team will never win the SB. Tepper is not half the owner JR Was. This franchise may sniff the playoffs every 4 or 5 years and that’s about as good as it will get. Once you accept that you’ll feel so much better.
  12. I’m afraid because he’s small he will stay injured. After a few injuries and so many hits he will get happy feet. Hell, Cam was a monster and they beat the living $hit out of him.
  13. I’m afraid we will look back at it and feel this way.
  14. I’m really digging at those that thought he could take this team to the playoffs this season. That stuff is hilarious. Not because he won’t be good, but because this team is weak in too many spots.
  15. Too early to tell for sure, but so far….not really.
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