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Everything posted by ickmule

  1. I will be here to say hello when it turns out I’m right. Have a great season watching it all unfold.
  2. His arm is weak and his passes look almost in slow motion. Give good defenses a few game tapes, and it’s gonna get ugly.
  3. Let’s talk more around week 8.
  4. Way more concern now than before the game. He looked nothing but below average
  5. He’s exactly what I expected….small and weak armed and lacks the home run potential. He will instill no fear in defenses and with more game tape for opponents to study will only get worse.
  6. I think we drafted Pickles again. Smarter, but a noodle arm.
  7. I’m calm, but Bryce has a noodle arm. Most of us knew that, so it’s no surprise.
  8. Except we don’t have a superstar. We just paid the price for one that actually wasn’t.
  9. Cam was feared from day one. He had the ability to kill you with his arm and his legs. Bryce has none of that.
  10. I knew his arm was weak and figured it would really show with the speed of the NFL. I know I will get poohed for it, but he will be a huge bust. Reich was also the wrong selection for coach. The team has his personality, slow and boring. Once again Tepper has fugged up.
  11. Is he ? His arm is pretty weak and it shows on almost every throw. Once there is several games of tape on him it’ll only get worse.
  12. Oh damn. I don’t want a reason to watch and I always watch night games.
  13. He reminds me of the Jimmy so far. So NFL ready, but not. Lol.
  14. Why anyone expected anything different baffles me. The dude played on the best football program in college. This is the NFL where the latent is much more even. He’s going to bust because he lacks the physical tools.
  15. I’m pretty much out for the rest of the season. Reich was the wrong choice and Bryce is anything but what all the “experts” said he was. Next Sunday I will be outdoors enjoying beautiful September weather at the beach. Oh, Tepper is a clown.
  16. Very weak, almost noodle like. I felt he would lack in that area in the NFL and so far it’s showing to be true.
  17. He lacks excitement and is very boring to watch. No kill button at all.
  18. I will eat crow if I am wrong, but Bryce is going to be a bust. I’ve felt that way since well before the draft.
  19. This team has taken on the personality of its HC. Boring and no urgency.
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