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Everything posted by ickmule

  1. No, no it wouldn’t. I will be back here to say I told you so when y’all finally realize he is a bust.
  2. Don’t care about these breakdowns. Kid is too short and displays no nfl level skill. He fails the eye test in every category. The sooner y’all accept that the better off you’ll feel.
  3. Hard to do when you don’t get to select the groceries. I’m no fan of Reich, but I can’t imagine being pressured to take any player I don’t want. I was in management for 20 years and I can tell you if my boss told me who to hire I’d have a huge problem with it. It makes for a $hitty atmosphere.
  4. Teppers meddling is the downfall of this organization. He has no people or football related skills and he’s injected his ignorance into all aspects. Reich won’t last the year. It’s painfully obvious he didn’t want Young and Tepper is a buffoon.
  5. HUGE RED FLAG our brain trust missed somehow. What a bunch of idiots.
  6. Which is why I’m even more baffled as to why we drafted him…….oh, never mind, I forgot who our owner was for a second.
  7. 1000%. Bryce looks like a high school kid trying to compete with professionals. It’s sad and funny at the same time.
  8. Some people aren’t watching with an open mind and eyes. If they were they would see he is far from a franchise QB and not the answer.
  9. I’m not saying Young makes it worse, but it’s worse now than it has been in 6 years. Seems every move Tepper makes, makes this team worse.
  10. I don’t think he will ever learn. He’s just Snyder.
  11. Healthy, this team was seven win team at best, that would also include a decent quarterback, which is sitting the bench. With injuries We are most certainly a zero to one win team.
  12. What a fugging train wreck. Tepper is the worst thing to ever happen to Charlotte Sports. He can’t sell fast enough.
  13. When you arE coerced into taking a quarterback in the draft that you did not want, how would you feel? I’m not a fan of Reich, but working for Tepper has to be the low point of a career.
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