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Everything posted by ickmule

  1. Bryce ain’t scoring 2 touchdowns so I assume the defense is scoring one or both. ?
  2. The retarded part is anyone thinking Tomlin would come here and coach for Tepper. It ain’t happening.
  3. If the falcons put more emphasis on loading the box and blitzing we wouldn’t be talking about a win. Not many teams will be as stupid as the falcons. If they had a real QB the game wouldn’t have been close. This was a farce of a game.
  4. Stop being delusional. Tomlin would never coexist with our clown owner.
  5. I actually root against the Tepper owned panthers and will continue to do so until he either removes himself from all things football or sells the team.
  6. We are laughing at a fanbase with a bad QB. That’s ironic. ours is way worse.
  7. Let’s not live in fantasy land. No good coach is coming to work for the Teppers. This staff that we currently have will inform any potential coaches of the train wreck that is the Tepper owned Panthers.
  8. Why would Tepper draft a midget QB at number 1 ?
  9. He’s only able to complete passes to totally wide open receivers. Like 10 yards open.
  10. So, we have discovered what he is good at ?
  11. He probably put ketchup on it, and that was what Tepper was so fond of
  12. Watching Bryce play has me speechless today. Dude is trash.
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