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Everything posted by ickmule

  1. Damn BY, at least try to break a tackle.
  2. Watching some of that game. The dude elevates and brings excitement. Bryce brings nothing.
  3. I mean, we have an high school sized QB.
  4. This kid does not belong. Weak arm, slow and can’t see the field.
  5. Not sure, anyone would be better than Tepper and his yes men.
  6. Bryce is on par with Clausen and that’s all there is to it.
  7. I mean, they said he was a point guard. lol.
  8. Those 2 yard completions are awesome
  9. He looked so uncertain of himself after the run. He had zero confidence in his ability, which is limited.
  10. Happened in Washington after Jack Kent Cookes estate sold to Snyder. That was the moment I stopped rooting for the Skins. I’m holding out hope for the Panthers but with each passing game I’m more convinced Tepper is just a little less creepy Snyder.
  11. Been saying this all along. Dude is a narcissist and a$$hole.
  12. Everything is about money. The owners couldn’t care less about the players injuries.
  13. Any of them outside of Bryce would likely be an upgrade.
  14. As long as Tepper is the owner there won’t be.
  15. Happy Thanksgiving!! I hope you all have a great day with loved ones.
  16. Tepper took an average franchise and turned it into camel dung. There really are no signs of hope for at least another season passes. Sad thing is Tepper the clown will fug that up too.
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