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Everything posted by ickmule

  1. Not really a Cam fan, but I hate that he he is not clutch for our team. Sadly he's a great athlete, but not a great QB. Hopefully with a few more weapons he will get it done.
  2. Wilson throws up some lame ass passes and they get caught. I'm not impressed and Seattle shouldn't even be in this game. Green Bay choked their way out of this game.
  3. He was already my favorite player and even more so after last night
  4. TD is and has been one of may favorite players of all time. The man deserves much more credit on the field than he gets from everyone outside of the carolinas. He has 10 times the heart of most players. I so hope he gets a Super Bowl ring before he hangs it up.
  5. Eff I'm tired of hearing about this $hit. Did they cheat? 45-7 had nothing to do with air pressure in a football. The media needs to find something else to report. Why don't they start by reporting facts and stop giving us their opinion? We all have opinions and they all suck. Jusy sayin.
  6. Is that Pickles at QB? Sent from my VZW iPhone 5 using CarolinaHuddle
  7. This is fun. Sent from my VZW iPhone 5 using CarolinaHuddle
  8. Folks that have been to camp multiple days have said the dude is a freak and can catch anything. I like it! Sent from my VZW iPhone 5 using CarolinaHuddle
  9. Guys on WFNZ said today that this camp has looked soft to them and so far it looks as if. Sent from my VZW iPhone 5 using CarolinaHuddle
  10. Again, sweet. Sent from my VZW iPhone 5 using CarolinaHuddle
  11. Props to you again! Great stuff we all appreciate. Sent from my VZW iPhone 5 using CarolinaHuddle
  12. I'll take a pick 6 from our D right about now.
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