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Everything posted by ickmule

  1. Well............this will temper any excitement I may have had.
  2. I don't know how to feel about this. I wasn't convinced KB was going to be the true number 1 some had him being this season, but losing him can't be good.
  3. damn, I about spit my water everywhere when I read this. Lol
  4. After watching the video like 10 times, I have no clue what his injury is..................That's what we should all be saying. 21 pages of guess work is always good though. :) Seriously, this sucks no matter how long he is out.
  5. Yeah, it's only the 1st preseasom game, but so far this team looks soft as a marshmallow
  6. People forget, they still have Romo at QB. Doesn't matter if there was a brick wall in front of him, he stil sucks.
  7. What a turd that guy must be. Who wanted his lousy ass anyway?
  8. This is the best synopsis I have seen in this thread on Cam. For some reason too many fans here think Cam is on the verge of being a great or elite QB. I don't see it. Is he going to get a huge contract? Likely so, but he is too inconsistent and his footwork is lazy to be elite. He is and will always be an above average QB with tons of athletic ability.
  9. A+. Gman is solid. Anyone that questions this guy and the work he and the scouts and coaches do to set up their draft board is insane
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