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Everything posted by ickmule

  1. This is a 7-9 or 8-8 team at the best. The players change, but the results are the same.
  2. Josh pointing and waving bye. That is funny as hell
  3. I think Fox decided these 2 teams don't deserve HD. They are right
  4. Why? he's been doing this same crap for 4 years. I'll gel flamed, but he doesn't look any different to me tahn he did when he was a rookie. Well, except he is slower now.
  5. This game is like watching the bad news bears. Both teams suck
  6. After we lose about 6 or 7 games. This team is not even close to a playoff team this year.
  7. Cam does not deserve that huge contract. I'm sorry, but he has every single probelm he has had from day 1 as a rookie. I'm sure I'll get flamed, but only by those that are blind as a bat.
  8. Let these assclowns hang around and now they are moving the ball. Typical BS
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