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Everything posted by ickmule

  1. The board reflects the ownership very well. Soon there won’t be anyone here as the owner makes one bad decision after another. Personally I find all of it entertaining in a comedic kind of way.
  2. Dude is delusional. Cam was blowing the roof off the place his rookie year.
  3. Not until Tepper call me along. He ruined all of us with his rolling circus.
  4. The slimy bastard deserves every ounce of it. He’s a slobbering fool.
  5. That’s the only way I can pull for them again. Dude is a clown at the highest level.
  6. Who knows. I don’t even care anymore. This franchise is a rolling circus and nothing more.
  7. I know I am. There is plenty more hope there.
  8. Best post of the season. Not just the quoted part, all of it.
  9. I’m not wasting my time on this. I don’t even care any longer. My care stash has been depleted. Until Tepper sells I hope this team loses each week it plays.
  10. No, it’s not. It’s been floated by several media. No one is wearing a tin foil hat on this. We have a six-year track record of Tepper doing stupid poo, that alone should tell you everything
  11. I’ve said for several weeks now, but I think the line just basically gives up now because they know Bryce sucks. I know people will say that’s crazy, but when you know there’s little chance that your quarterbacks going to do anything positive, you just kind of throw your hands up. I have no doubt some of them are talking poo.
  12. This franchise is a real circus. I was already leaning towards doing a 180 and rooting for Washington again, as I did for nearly 30 years prior to Snyder. Tepper couldn’t pour piss out of a boot with the directions on the heel. The drafting of Bryce and the clown show that has followed has me rooting for this franchise to lose every game. This is without question the lowest point in this franchises existence.
  13. I’m afraid as long as Tepper owns the Panthers I will care much less than I ever have. He’s a terrible owner and seems to learn nothing with each passing HC.
  14. I’ve said this for weeks. His demeanor changed after the draft. He was forced to take a high school QB.
  15. Yeah, he got Bryce Younged. Not a great coach to begin with but when you are forced to take a QB you don’t want that lacks the skills to be good in the NFL you are doomed. Mccown was let go because he wanted Stroud too. I hope they both tell all. Tepper is the worst owner in the NFL by a mile.
  16. No one cares. Or at least I don’t. Dude is a slobbering idiot.
  17. Looks like they canned anyone that expressed they didn’t want Bryce.
  18. People like him because he’s a nice kid and it appears that he is, but he’s not a franchise QB. Can he become better than Clausen? I believe so, but he’s never going to carry a team or take one to a Super Bowl. His ceiling is an average QB.
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