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About pww42

  • Birthday 05/31/1975


  • Favorite NFL Team
    Carolina Panthers

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  1. If we been watching…. tell me how Luvu does not become a franchise priority over Burns?
  2. Straight up let them go.. unless we can get them to sign on a good price.. Allowing us to add to our team additional players who will help turn things around. They are not what a “franchise” player is. I always have assumed a franchise player is a guy who can by them-self make play after play that effects the game.. Luvu is close , Brown is as well, but Burns, He is not the guy that can just take the game into his hands and effect the out come of a game.
  3. This hire hopefully surprises me.. I just don’t see it.. This probably, is not going to be good. Was we the only one of 8 that was interested in him?
  4. Let him go... Absolutely No on the tag.. with his stats this year.. I doubt anyone will match a tag price.. I can’t see anyone that would go over that price either.. Then we stuck with his lazy play at a high price
  5. Totally agree.. no one should be safe..
  6. His last two tenures has ended with the head coach being fired. I think will probably hold him back from a head coach position. I’m sure he will have no issue getting a job, possibly could stay here as a defensive coordinator.
  7. lol, Kurt word is gold.. Someone ever look at them stats? Lookup Kurt Warner stats compare them to Cam. They are very close till you add a game changing thing…like a Qb rushing for 75TD’s
  8. Hey watch this… 4th and 1 shotgun and empty backfield..
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