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Everything posted by Panthercougar68

  1. Renee Johnson was trying to save face for her attempt to use the funds given tonight for light rail when that is a violation of state law. Brown, Dimple, and Johnson are general idiots on the council.
  2. It’s gonna pass. They needed at least 5 votes and got them. Washington isn’t there and mayor who said she would vote yes is tie breaker
  3. I know for a fact that Dimple and Brown never went to the meetings they have been having for the last year and are putting on a show shouting “no transparency!!!!!” And it’s working on the Twitter crowd.
  4. 9/11 a decade later? Get a better argument. It’s gonna be cold but doesn’t affect the pitch. It was miserable for everything outside the game in Minnesota a few years ago but it’s about what the city can pitch.
  5. There was snow in NYC, a tropical storm in 2010 in Miami…they can figure it out down the road.
  6. Yep, the argument will be “buts it’s NYC” and it will be their last one for a long time but they got one.
  7. I think the end goal is to have “A” Super Bowl in Charlotte and pray it doesn’t rain. Roof is preferred but not the end all be all. Someone pointed out how Jacksonville got their Super Bowl in 2005. Tampa has hosted many with no roof and it’s in 3pm rain Florida.
  8. Brisket is literally trial and error If your serve people your first brisket you’re gonna have a bad time.
  9. There are many things the stadium needs to keep up with just functioning. What if I told you when Tepper bought the team, the current electrical system/breakers were running at 200 percent capacity? He cut the 1 million dollar check to fix that and other things that were neglected for years…grease trap system was abysmal…I know people that work in operations and there has been money poured into keeping the building functioning that people don’t realize.
  10. Felix Sabates championed it as his first task if he was able to buy the Panthers. What people also don’t know is these discussions have been going on for a while and the “shoved down the throats” thing is more about timing imo but it’s been ready for a vote since December
  11. I never noticed the arm before the hip drive before until this video (hurrr durrr I did huddler stfu) but it makes sense because all those examples were rushed throws so hopefully a better oline helps.
  12. If you’re talking about Juan’s picture that is old. They bought Sorinex equipment and rigs about 2 or 3 years ago.
  13. I mean if you’re gonna point that out, you have to give Bryce 5 years on because that’s how long Drew was in the league before he went to NO.
  14. Sofi Stadium cost 5.5 billion build. The new bills stadium will probably be 3 billion when it’s all said and done. Welcome to 2024 construction costs
  15. I agree, just a lot of noise from the fanbase about it more than anything.
  16. No one‘s talking about the 15 year agreement that would tie the team to the city so a lot of the “he’s trying to move the team away” takes can subside
  17. Ehhh I look at Denver being more of a “historic” team if that makes sense.
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