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Everything posted by Panthercougar68

  1. Don’t mean to rain on the parade but it’s been more than a two year turnaround…
  2. Yeah from what people are saying the dude is a year away from being a year away…should have kept course and taken Mac Jones and not let fans and nfl media influence choices like San Fran did.
  3. 2022 4th and 2023 3rd that turns to a 2nd if panthers make the playoffs
  4. Stafford and Jimmy G not playing much different between each other right now.
  5. I mean they bottom bottomed out. We have been stuck in meh limbo (like Denver) since 2015.
  6. But then he turned around and admitted Hurney wore out the welcome…it’s called learning…just like Terry Pegula
  7. Problem is they lost those folks to the cowboys in the 90s….why Cowboys would travel to Oxnard for camp sometimes.
  8. I don’t think Hamilton makes it past NY.
  9. KC lives and dies on offense. They don’t have a perfect roster and spend a lot of money in places that don’t see production.
  10. Just things I’ve heard. Scott is a decent GM and will look much better once Rhule is out of the picture with the demands. *insert dude just trust me joke*
  11. I don’t have to prove anything but I know that the Darnold trade was set well in motion before Scott was here. It was an option going in 2020.
  12. TB12 deleted their congrats stuff…I have a feeling he’s done but something got out that wasn’t supposed to yet.
  13. Tom mad he didn’t make his video to announce it yet lol
  14. “Thanks for the retirement money and ring bitches….Arians sucks btw…“
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