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  1. Fug yeah Went into the 4th quarter saying we are gonna win this thing for the first time in forever.
  2. Bradberry oddly didn’t live up to his Giants contract in their eyes but killed it in Philly lol
  3. The media has made WR voting too political when it comes to the hall of fame and it created a stupid “back log”
  4. They were literally clowning the jets this time in 2021 when Darnold was 3-0.
  5. My biggest pet peeve with this Baker and Darnold take lately is that the Panthers is not the last team either of these players have played for.
  6. It’s still a long season, but if Bo Nix and say, Caleb are awful, I wouldn’t be surprised if you see a trend where teams flip and hold off on drafting quarterbacks early because of this last draft.
  7. He’ll probably clear waivers and end up on the practice squad
  8. poo on the Panthers all you want, but Reich was fired twice in one year
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