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Everything posted by TheMostInterestingMan

  1. Yeah I loved the pick but I definitely was in the camp that he would play G for us this season. And honestly, if he can be come a stud G for his career then I’m completely happy with that considering where we took him. If he ever becomes a LT then that would be a huge bonus but this line needed a lot of help and he will give us that inside at the very least
  2. I kept hearing from a certain group of Huddle experts that Brown was a stupid pick lol. If really have to not know football to not realize that Brown was immense for us his rookie season with basically no camp due to Covid. Did he have his share of unimpressive moments? Sure. He’s a rookie DT. But this dude is a legit monster in the middle of our line. He’s going to be our anchor there. He was an amazing pick for us.
  3. Could be wrong but I felt like most people realized he likely wouldn’t play LT day one. I think the hope was that he could play inside this season and possibly play LT in a few seasons.
  4. No doubt Brown will take another step. Dude didn’t even really have a proper training camp last year. And he was still solid as a rookie.
  5. You don’t have the rights to use my image. Lawsuit incoming.
  6. I love Cam. In my top 5 favorite Panthers. But people on the board need to let it go. He absolutely deserved a ring but his career now is essentially over.
  7. You aren’t wrong. But today Slye is the man with the muscle at K lol
  8. Worth noting that it’s almost certainly the end of Eriksen’s professional career. He’s only 29 and while it’s sad to see it end that way, in the first game at the Euros, he would at least see his career conclude as a Serie A champion, dethroning Juventus and ending their very long run. It isn’t how he would have hoped to go out, but at least it it’s all over, he’s exiting as a champion and ending Inters long title drought
  9. After delaying this tournament for a year due to Covid, to have Eriksen, his teams captain, die in front of the stadium of supporters would have truly been a brutal and defeating thing to see. I’m so glad he’s alright. Now it’s time to sing the Flower of Scotland and rally behind Robertson and his men tomorrow!
  10. I don’t know if he can fix his issues or not, but I know I would put my money on our kicker to win an arm wrestling competition against all the other kickers in the league
  11. I was hopeful on your behalf that he could be convinced to sell but now it seems like his pride would prevent him from selling at any price.
  12. My best friend is also a lifelong Gooner. I’ve been giving him a hard time the last 3 weeks about hiring Emery instead of Tuchel a few seasons back. Shocking to see how far you guys have fallen. Secretly I do cheer for you when you aren’t playing Liverpool just to see my friend happy even though I torture him constantly haha
  13. Think it was a heart attack. It was really scary to watch unfold. He just collapsed and Kasparov Smeichal had the medics come out immediately. The had a defibrillator going quickly. Pretty surprised the match resumed. And even though they lost, Lukaku is serving his teammate well with a 10’ goal over Russia.
  14. Eriksen is in stable condition at the hospital. Looks like he will be okay. Thank God for that.
  15. I’m a diehard Liverpool supporter but I always loved him. Pull through lad
  16. I don’t know but the results are what they are. I expect a big improvement with Darnold under center and CMC healthy this year but I can’t give him top 5 after where season where his offense was honestly just average. He’s better than how we performed last season. But I need to see a leap in performance this year to put him in the top 5. I could probably come up with 8-9 ahead of him right now. But that won’t last long.
  17. I don’t disagree with you. I think he’s an excellent play caller and will continue to get better. But that said, he’s only been at it for one year and our offense wasn’t exactly prolific. Sure, losing our best offensive weapon along quest being led by a bad QB was part of the problem, but he also had some questionable play calls in big moments. Lots of head scratching 4th short/4th and goal calls. He’ll improve there this season though. But it’s too early to rank him that high right now imo
  18. Not at all lol. Odd list. Gruden? No Payton? No McVay? And I love Brady but he did not show he is top 5 last year. He’s very good and can be elite, but not yet.
  19. Agreed. I have a friend who insists Evans is the 3rd best WR on his team lol. I don’t necessarily agree with that, but the fact you can make the argument is pretty wild. I mean, before Brown went crazy he was the best WR in the NFL and Godwin seems much more reliable/consistent from week to week. Evans can get you 250 yards one game and then only manage 3 receptions in the next two.
  20. Half this board turned Snow into a meme of incompetence last year for some unknown reason. They found a pic of him in a crooked hat with a goofy looking face and threw it around everywhere confidently insisting he was a college coach not fit for the NFL. He shut them up in a hurry. I mean, our defense definitely had growing pains, but he did damn good with what he had. Numerous rookies starting, barely any experience in the secondary at all, backup caliber LBers. They just kept getting better. Ive been a believer in Rhule and Snow from the start. But even if they don’t pan out here (which I personally feel VERY confident that they will) there is no denying they know football. Rivera was a great defensive coach and yet when you listen to Snow talk about the game you still just get the impression that Snow could out scheme him. And his defense performed better last year than Ron’s final season with us with far less talent.
  21. You know, there’s been a ton of hype around our defense this offseason and for good reason. This defense, at least on paper, looks scary. It’s very fast and if our secondary holds up then I anticipate a lot of pressure on opposing QBs this year. What isn’t getting talked about is how good this offense could be if Darnold can just be a middle of the league QB. We have so many weapons it’s insane. And if this OLine and QB can be just average then this offense is going to be scary good as well imo. Everything will still be going through CMC. But we have Moore, Anderson, Marshall, Moore, Tremble, Arnold... there is some serious talent on the offensive side of the ball man.
  22. He’s not a “heavyweight” as you say but I really like the potential of Kai Jones. Explosive, can shoot and would make our fast break game lethal. If he could bulk up a bit then watch out.
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