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Everything posted by TheMostInterestingMan

  1. In fairness, the same can be said about Fields and that’s who people that hated the Horn pick wanted us to take. I understand positional value but both have been pretty meh thus far.
  2. Secondary. And that’s only because we’ve finally invested draft capital into the position.
  3. Like everyone else, I’m ready for Rhule to leave. But the obsession some of you have with this man is unhealthy at best. Literally can’t have a single post without it turning into a Rhule sucks extravaganza
  4. I just posted as soon as it was reported. So did everyone else though it seems lol
  5. I’ve been on it since day one. Was my favorite QB in the draft at least a month before the draft went down. Love the guy.
  6. Tore a tendon in my middle finger in college playing basketball. That was brutally painful but the road to recovery wasn’t so bad. BUT I snapped my Achilles playing basketball in a YMCA league at 26. That was horrific. The pain was intense and making a full recovery took over nine months. I still have a wicked scar and while I can run around, hike, play sports now etc I will still sometimes get an aching feeling just above my heel if I’ve been working out or running extensively. ACL injuries are no doubt terrible but snapping your Achilles results in losing pretty much all of the burst and spring you had in that leg. It just doesn’t ever work like it used to after the fact.
  7. CMC is just probably the best RB in the league when he’s on the field so this doesn’t surprise me. The quest is do we get at least 14 games out of him this season or only 8?
  8. Anything is possible. Look at the Milwaukee Bucks. All it takes is that one special player and you can win a championship. The likelihood is low and it’ll have to be through hitting a home run in the draft (probably twice in the span of 2-3 years) but it is possible
  9. I have noticed. He’s built that hard earned reputation brick by brick lol
  10. You are one positive poster, huh? Sheesh. If there’s nothing at all to be even somewhat optimistic about between the Hornets and Panthers then maybe it’s time to take a step back for awhile.
  11. We’ll see. I think your assessment is pretty damn stupid. You think that mine is. No point in continuing to discuss it with you.
  12. I was upset about the trade as well. Felt we lost a lot of value there. But that wasn’t Williams fault and I disagree on his potential in the league. He’s got a nice looking free throw. Good form and shot it at a high percentage which indicates he can develop a jump shot in the next few years. And his ability to defend is elite.
  13. Show me on this doll where Mark Williams touched you
  14. Holy poo dude it’s a joke. It’s not like he’s making an actual political statement. Learn how to laugh some. Sheesh.
  15. I maintained throughout his entire time here that he was more important to us than KK and that if we could only keep one it should be Star. He didn’t get the credit cause he didn’t fill the stat sheet. But he made everyone around him better.
  16. I’ve been feeling pretty bad about both Baker and the Panthers situation overall but if Skip thinks it’s bad then maybe this is all gonna work out alright.
  17. I love the potential size and athleticism. My only disagreement (which isn’t really a disagreement because I want Bouk to play way more) is I can’t see us sorting Rozier on the bench. He’s too good to do that to him. But Bouk needs more minutes. I could accept trading Rozier because I think it could make sense. But I have a hard time wrapping my mind around not starting him if he’s on the roster. Everything else I’m with you on entirely
  18. That’s what it felt like we got on draft night to me haha
  19. I would add to what you’ve said but you’ve already said it best in this thread.
  20. I really want nothing to do with Simmons
  21. Slip something in his lean. He drinks plenty of that apparently
  22. If the logic behind trading pick #13 was to have enough cap to sign match competitive offers then that trade really looks like we poo the bed now. Wow. And it’s too bad cause he’s been my favorite player on the team. Disappointing.
  23. I was in the D’Antoni camp before it was even reported we had any interest in him. Sadly it didn’t work out but I do wonder if he turned us down the second time after we dissed him for Atkinson. Are we sure we hired Cliff over D’Antoni or did D’Antoni say “nah, you guys didn’t want me the first time so I don’t want you now” because I’ve sorta assumed that’s what happened and we basically cornered ourselves into having to get Cliff
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