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About benz0

  • Birthday 02/03/1976

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  1. Nice drive, I'm so happy we can take it down the field at will, it seems. Nonetheless, these mistakes need to be ️
  2. As it sits rightnow, he's the worse ever! I was done when he had to hop throw it.. that was my boiling point.
  3. Damn, its time to forward. Bryce is not the guy!
  4. I still believed!!! That Bryce is not him! Lol, gonna be a fun season!
  5. Yaw tripping! Give me Chris Weinke!
  6. Love me some CJ Stroud and Texans Houston!!! Woot woot!!!
  7. Yeah buddy, been here since day one and I'll eat that all day my ninja!! Welcome to Panthers football!!! Woot woot!
  8. As a panthers fan since day one. That's just the way it is.. we suck arse periodt. No back 2 back winning season, Ham Netwon as our best franchise QB, Jake Delommne as our best journeyman QB. We kinda get use to sucking
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