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About panthers90

  • Birthday 06/30/1990

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  1. Honest (drunk) question. What can Kupp do that CMC can't, other than have a qb that can actually throw to him?
  2. So... all you people shitting on Brown realize its different vs the second string and also being the focal point of a defense, right?
  3. Was actually a McMurray click test, but Kalil seems fine.
  4. Regular season Cam punches that in on second down.
  5. I met Jerry Rice last year at an event and asked him if Smitty would make the HoF, he said a ring would help, but highly highly highly doubts he makes it. He said the line of people that haven't made it is too long for Smitty to make it. But that's just his opinion I guess...
  6. Would want him over Cotchery. Always reminded me of Smitty. Boo this is a terrible thread, etc, etc
  7. At least Panthers home games don't sound like these Milwaukee games.
  8. First Smitty, then Hardy, now this. Becoming real hard to stay a panther fan.
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