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  1. Appreciate the shout out but I didn’t make that logo. It is indeed dope however
  2. Love . not a strong enough word to describe how I feel about the Panthers. Those tickets will be mine . oh yes .
  3. they really think that Hardy will have any meaningful insight? The last time he was in a meeting room with the panthers defense was September of last year..this is a guy who didn't know champagne was alcohol.
  4. Their skins vs. panthers discussion has degraded into how most of them live in north or south carolina but "only for work" lol
  5. They may be nice people but they don't seem too bright to be honest .
  6. Maybe they will move Lucas back to wr. He's a big dude like kb.
  7. Yeah and by all accounts Wilson wants about 65% of that cap space all for him lol
  8. The hawks never planned for this , they didn't think Wilson was going to be anything more than a game manager , if they were lucky. They didn't plan to have to pay him like a franchise QB. This whole situation is like inherenting a house you can't afford the tax payments on. Either sell off your assets to pay for it or sell the house .
  9. That's the first thing people say when they get called out for being a moron. Plausible deniability . you can't prove he wasn't joking . although everyone knows he wasn't. Textbook D-bag behavior.
  10. so we are evaluating drafts after one season now?
  11. . Take what chance ? To be able to be the number #1 receiver on an NFL team? Sounds like he wanted to get paid to ride the pine.
  12. This sounds about right , they want Wilson to be a Brady when he Is a Dilfer.
  13. whats up man? Hows NYC?

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