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About bigginpc

  • Birthday 02/21/1965

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  1. Some water, food, diapers, medical supplies and other bare necessities used to be and maybe still are pre-staged in warehouses across the country. It's only enough for a few days till a supply chain is setup. I know years back there was one just north east of Charlotte.
  2. That's probably how many fugs he give about playing well
  3. Lake Lure Dam is overflowing. They are opening floodgates wide open. Major flooding expected down stream. Mandatory Evacuation, looks really bad.
  4. Out of all the great things today, I enjoyed watching the Oline. Tons of room in the pocket and always got huge push on running plays.
  5. If BY stood in the pocket instead of on his tiptoes, he could get more velocity on the ball with better accuracy and we wouldn't be having this conversation.
  6. Them we should have drafted Zappe. He broke all kinds of college records.
  7. You are right that the Panthers brass were pretty dumb. But a lie is lie. I will not excuse it just because. To each there own
  8. I don't know, we've never met. Do you two hang out together. He did try to trick people with water weight deal at the combine. In my book that's lying
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