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About propagandamachine

  • Birthday 11/05/1982

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  1. Glad that year was OVER... super glad...
  2. Get the highest pick... Then go all scott fitter on it. Get as many offensive line as Possible... Sadly this is a process...
  3. Who cares if he only throws the ball 3 yards... i honeslty think he will be fine. The beauty of this though is that Cam has had the time to Heal... SHOCK THEM CAM SHOCK ALL OF THEM. Lets Go !!!!
  4. we basically got a first round pick for NOTHING... plus he has been tested in the NFL... we have a 2 year jump on any rookie that will be drafted.
  5. Dave says Josh is worth $7 mill a year... Hes worth $7 mill a year.
  6. Django Unchained : A movie that came close to capturing a time with a hint of Humor...
  7. My services have not been needed that much this year.... Cam has been doing all the Propaganda we need. DELICIOUS <3
  8. The game plan was to go after the "Hot Head" Norman and watch him mentally crumble... Pffftthahahhahah
  9. Yuck... Tampa are the best. :) Anyway... keep it moving WE WANT THEM ALL - All the way to 19 - 0
  10. Have you seen the Prevent Defense Fox is using in Chicago.. its unreal .. HAHAHAHAHA Have everyone at the line of scrimmage to prevent a touchdown.. like WTF
  11. When are we going to have a Ball Cancer Awareness month...
  12. The team that blinks will be down 37 points by halftime... lol
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