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Everything posted by PhillyB

  1. fuggity fug i can't wait for this season. every time i read this thread i get more excited.
  2. fuging awesome. also that chick in the last picture wants the CD
  3. ​i rode through there on a bicycle on my way to the beach a few years back and it took me like twenty seconds to get through town... on a bicycle.
  4. ​just like social cues in interactions, it's a system of affirmation that provides other viewers (sometimes unconsciously) the knowledge that a particular phrase or statement or idea or outburst is socially proper, and "good" material in the sense that it's valued by an existing board culture. it doesn't ultimately matter for the same reason your ranking and status irl doesn't matter on this board: they're separate forums of exchange and interaction, each with their own values, currencies, cultures, and hierarchies. this is why no one cares about dat alice's money on a message board, and why a saints4lyfe might care about alice's money if he knew him, but doesn't give a poo about internet rep on a panthers board.
  5. i never understood why they made the wells fargo building into such an obvious phallus.
  6. the evolution of green internet dots continues
  7. it has to the be the pie chart.
  8. no need to call the kid a douchebag when ric bucher is already dogging on him
  9. i just landed in qatar five minutes ago. i see a lot more hot ass than i expected but i don't see any arcades or cushioned benches
  10. i've been doing long-ass layovers for the past six years. i slept on the concrete walkway in front of the departure terminal in sulawesi, inside kuala lumpur intn'l, at the taiwan airport, LAX, in baltimore... i have found over the years that the back brace on my backpack makes a kickass pillow. long layovers are fun because i pretty much get a dozen straight hours reading, writing, or sketching maps in my journal. it's a vacation all its own. i just want some goddamn cheap food, that's all
  11. i spent 60 hours at the airport in kuala lumpur a few years back when i had a rash of bad luck with flights... but they had big cushy bench seats with low lighting on an upstairs terrace and ten restaurant options in the flight checkin terminal. take some lessons IAD
  12. i was going to take a bus up (far cheaper than flights) but my brother-in-law offered to drive me for free. i just had about $9000 of expenses broadside me in the last two weeks (blown HVAC system, blown sewer/drainage line, and car repair) so i jumped on it. i'll just sit here and work on thesis poo all day. this cheddar burger is some good poo though so maybe i take back the thread
  13. nothing. my brother-in-law dropped me off at dulles at 4am and my flight doesn't leave until 9pm, so i've got thirteen hours before i can check in. napping on the concrete floor and choosing between the absurdly expensive chop house and the convenience store where i can get a bag of skittles. where's a fuging wendys when you need one? there's probably eight on the other side of customs.
  14. he just needs to call himself independent more and then he'll be a textbook republican
  15. pressing charges would be a horrible move. use this as a teachable moment for your kid. he should have his wits scared out of him after that. teach him to be conscious about bike safety, spatial awareness, and making choices like biking on busy roads. i'm not an advocate of keeping your kid strapped in pillows inside to make sure nothing dangerous can ever befall him, since dying is a risk anyone who ventures past their front step takes every day, but enforce the fact that you can maximize your chances and minimize your risks on a day-to-day basis by the choices you make. you may end up with a more careful, discerning child out of this, and - if you don't press charges and he sees how you react - maybe a more gracious and forgiving one as well.
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