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Everything posted by PhillyB

  1. you've found a few people, yes, but is there any real kind of consensus by a statistically significant margin? absolutely not. "liberals" are not burning the flag "every chance they get," and if you think they are (in any significant numbers) then it's time to log off the blaze. the slippery slope fallacy has nothing to do with human nature. the slippery slope fallacy is invoked when someone makes the argument that X will invariably lead to Y (or even - GASP! - Z!!!!) if X is enacted, but fail to demonstrate a causal relationship between X, Y, and Z. in this case, X is the redskins team name, and Y and Z are the saints logo (and - GASP - anyone who's offended by the mcdonalds logo and wants IT taken down!) and it's a logical fallacy of the slippery slope variety to say X will lead to Y or Z because there's no demonstrable parallel between X and Y/Z based on the parameters used to define X. or, in real terms, the logic, history, contemporary meaning, precedent, and support behind removing the redskins team name simply does not exist for the saints logo. so it's a logical fallacy to argue that changing the redskins team name will invariably lead to changing whatever else is suddenly offensive. and, frankly, it's ridiculous.
  2. gonna need some well-sourced stats for this one homey.
  3. no reasonable number of people equate the saints logo with a palpable, directly-related racial past to make any kind of a case for getting rid of it. the slippery slope argument is silly.
  4. lol! buncha self-righteous, offensive liberal bullies tellin' me i can't use racial slurs in a public name. what happened to the tyranny of the majority? back in my day you could just choose to not drink out of any water fountain at all if you weren't satisfied with what you had, and now everybody's gotta get all pussified and bring in big daddy government to protect pussies from the "tyranny of the majority" or whatever. you know what else i hate? people that complain
  5. this is either incredibly dumb or the deepest thing i've ever read
  6. no, it's not. this court case was about whether or not redskins, a certifiably offensive term to a ton of people, is allowed to be trademarked. if i made a dodgeball team with a dodgeball stadium and called it the greensboro n*****s and put that poo on a sign and sold jerseys, this court ruling would do the exact same thing to me: it wouldn't tell me i couldn't name my team the greensboro n*****s, it would tell me it's too fuged up for a trademark. not really all that controversial imo they're definitely not equally as bad, but i also don't think you'd be like "hey whattup redskin" to a native american walking down the street. not just because it'd be weird, but because it's an offensive thing to call a native american.
  7. i don't think so, but that's not really what's happening here. i would much prefer that dan snyder do the right thing and change it.
  8. perhaps so, but if a name is patently offensive - that is, the name itself is derived from something that is intrinsically, endemically rooted in something that makes us sick - then it should go even if it's only offensive to a small number of people. even if only 5% of people were offended at the name "Nashville N*****s" that five percent would have a great case to change it, because n*****s is a patently offensive term. a football team name should be offensive to no one.
  9. by god it's gettin so a fella can't even use a racial slur as a football team name without some fancypants liberal gettin all offended about it. back in my day you could use whatever racial slurs you wanted and nobody said nothin. praying for this great nation
  10. you guys know this is incredibly common, right? the vast majority of christians believe god has a defined plan for their lives, that they're there for a reason, that they need to cultivate an awareness of that purpose. some of you should check out t.m. luhrmann's book "when god talks back" to better understand how evangelicals understand their relationships with god. i think the most obvious problem is that fact that it takes an incredibly level of smarmy self-assurance to believe god's designing your life to make a zillion dollars and testing you on the field while other peoples' life designs are to got shot in the face or raped and murdered. yeah god totally will help you "lead" ciara if you pray about it but kids are dying in droves in asia. ok
  11. can't reason someone out of something they didn't reason themselves into. ESPECIALLY if god is doling out hot poontang.
  12. a still, small voice told me to patriarchally lead this hot ass bitch that i coincidentally really want to bang. a still small voice also told me to hold out for outrageous amounts of cash!
  13. i'd be more inclined to believe him if he felt like god told him to date an uggo
  14. decline? sure. but imo they've got enough of a talent infusion to compete. the window won't be open for long, but it's still open.
  15. apply this same logic to this thread and inner peace will be yours
  16. is hope solo a chicken salad sandwich?
  17. i only care about soccer about once every two years, but once every two years i love me some merica ball!
  18. can we keep that ^ stuff in the dedicated female meat window shopping subforum so those of us in this thread at work don't run into problems? tia
  19. IMO if they're byron bell and 2013 playcalling level bad we're still good for 8-8 by virtue of improvements elsewhere alone.
  20. people poo on them, but i don't see the saints or bucs finishing much below 8-8. the division should be much more competitive as a whole. we, of course, will demolish them all.
  21. the falcons have been putting the cart before the horse for the past half decade. have they done anything to improve that offensive line? aside from the DE pick, have they done anything to bolster their defensive line? i think they'll be improved, but the same basic problems are going to dog them until they get a few years under quinn to rebuild the team they way he wants. 8-8 is their ceiling this year.
  22. no question. unless the funch completely flubs it (he won't) every single guy on the right is a tangible, measurable improvement over the guy on the left. major upgrade in talent at the position.
  23. looks like he took a good angle with the ball carrier for once
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