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Everything posted by PhillyB

  1. i have never hated this team more than i do right now
  2. you have the greatest red zone dual threat quarterback of all time and you send sam buttfuging darnold out there to oopsie the ball down his thigh and run into his lineman and die for no gain and then stand on the sideline looking like someone just tried to explain calculus please get swallowed up by a hole
  3. darnold flipping a ball to the ref looks like a person pretending to be a football player flipping a ball to the ref
  4. you have the number two defense and sam darnold and go put it on sam darnold
  5. cam in for one fuging snap? this is such a clown show
  6. i'm sure i'll watch but i won't stay glued if they're losing and i for damn sure won't spend money on games
  7. maybe he's acknowledging how many people want to smack him sideways with a five iron
  8. this is officially and formally the most brilliant psy-ops of all time.
  9. hell yeah. if the panthers are willing to give up a second for buttfuggin sam darnold there has to be some pick-laden team willing to toss a high third or something for CMC. get his ass off the books, let chubba take the reigns, draft a late round scat back, use the pick on a guard or something. no question
  10. oh good the GED squad is here to discuss public health policy
  11. excellent! keep up the public pressure. tepper has to be humiliated
  12. can someone in this thread give me vladimir putins email? i have an extremely strong opinion about pussy riot
  13. lol organizations like this have assistants for assistants screening these things. they won't respond to a rando - even if it's a PSL owner - unless it's part of a PR campaign or customer retention rollout. jesus lol
  14. if christensen has any chance at being a decent tackle i'd poo my pants to invest in an all-world center.
  15. dump all resources into an o-line bring cam back and run what should've been the 2019 plan fire matt rhule into the sun if he doesn't make playoffs that's about the only way i won't completely lose interest if this dumb bag of rocks is retained.
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