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Everything posted by carpanfan96

  1. Not casual at all, halo 2 was poorly balanced and I couldn't get into it. I played the hell out of halo 1 though and as far as I'm concerned it's still the best one to be released. Heck I played halo 2 a lot, I just couldn't get into it like I did the first one. It's major breaker for me was never fixed even in mlg settings. The power weapon respawn time and the op of vehicles and rl. Maybe I was too old for halo 2's primitive systems when it released as I was 20. I still to this day can't understand why it ever got to mlg when there were much better mp games on the market.
  2. Not even baiting. I played it a lot because of a roommate loving the game for some reason. Everything I posted is a legit complaint about Halo 2, that's what the article was about as well. It was written when Halo 2 came out and talked about the faults with the game. The weapons were poorly balanced, plasma pistol anyone??? The maps were poorly designed around weapons that effectively ended the match and made one team more powerful and on top of that those weapons didn't respawn unless the weapon was dropped and sat for a while. Map controlling weapons that pretty much made most maps a dash for this weapon match, you got the weapon and the match was over 90% of the time. Dash maps aren't fun in no way shape or form. Next because of the poor map design an weapon spawn system, vehicles and vehicle destroy weapons became over powered. Got the rocket launcher and vehicle, match is over. Those three things combined made every single halo 2 map a dash game instead of a fps. I'm sorry but that's poor design in a nutshell and was widely reported when the game released. On top of all those serious faults was the poorly designed match making system. Host had way too much power with the way the system was designed, it unevened the odds to a horrible degree. I'm sorry but those things added together made a horribly unbalanced fps mp game. Don't even want to get started with bf4, lmao what a horribly glitchy game. It is however fun when you actually get to play.
  3. It wasn't incomplete, nor all that extremely buggy. It was just poorly designed from the ground up. lol The mp was horrendous with numerous design problems. The Spawn system, map design, weapon design, vehicle deisgn and the matchmaking system were all poorly done. I believe that covers the gamut of a MP experience. While the single player experience was meant to end on a cliffhanger in Halo 2 to build excitement for halo 3. With that said it wasn't all that enjoyable for me, I felt they spent too much time designing the horrible MP experience. I'm not sure how most didn't see or remember the press slamming Halo 2 and calling it's MP garbage when compared to PC MP experiences or the first Halo game. What's sad about Halo 2 is the weapon and map system were by design because so many people complained about Halo: CE maps and weapon balance. Oddly enough it's Halo: CE that had nearly perfect balance with it's weapon and maps while Halo 2 was about as far from balanced as you could get when it came to the Weapons and Maps.
  4. LMAO.... haha. Shoddy weapon design, shoddy vehicles, shoddy map designs = a very broken MP experience. (further on this if you click the link.) If your talking multiplayer in general Starcraft blows it out of the water, if your talking about FPS then Counter-Strike blows it out of the water. That's just off the top of my head and both are far away better then Halo 2. Halo wasn't even the best game of that November. The only thing that Halo has to it's name is that it was arguably the first console game to get multiplayer right, but it isn't nor will it ever be the greatest multiplayer game of all time. Halo 1, not 2. Halo 2 was a drastic drop off from the first Halo in every sense. This is Halo 2 in a nut shell. http://www.1up.com/features/broken-halo List the many numerous mp breaking features that Halo 2 had, it was all in all a very shitty MP experience. Console players thought it was gold because they didn't know better.
  5. I must be weird because I felt like Halo went down In quality with the inclusion of multiplayer the way it was designed on Halo 2. Didn't enjoy halo 2 at all, thought both the sp and mp was subpar. Crimson skies was the mp king for me on the original xbox for most of the time I owned one. I haven't really enjoyed a halo game since the first one. I absolutely hated halo 3 and took it back after like a week. Gears was awesome though as a mp experience.
  6. System Shock 1 and 2 are still two of the best action RPG's ever made. They literately changed the face of western rpg's and action games. Then you have the spiritual successor of Bioshock as well. System shock 2 might be one of the greatest achievements in video game history. Not nearly enough people played it and if you haven't played it before I suggest picking it up on Steam and playing it. I didn't vote for Bioshock, because the better half of the SS/Bioshock is system shock 1 & 2. I'm going off of technical merit, gameplay and how much it changed the industry with game design.
  7. I'm so not going to be able to sleep at all tonight. lol
  8. Best Defense in the league and it isn't even close, I don't give a fug what the stats say.
  9. DEFENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Yep, been super hyped the whole game. Lets go Panthers, close this out!!!!!!!!
  11. Just need 1 first down......Come on offense!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. What a ST play there..... Downed at the 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Whew! Defense still needs to keep the play and intensity up at a high level.
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