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Everything posted by carpanfan96

  1. The snow is pretty much like ice on the roads, don't drive if you don't have too.
  2. It just started here in concord and it's sticking to everything .
  3. Just released his latest forecast and it's not good at all. Storm sticking around well into Thursday and Friday morning with a clipper Friday night. Raised his projection for Ice in Charlotte to .20 of an inch.
  4. Brad P is calling for less snow and more ice in Charlotte. Says the storm is trending west and that will mean more ice. Latest projection is 5-8 inches of snow and around a quarter inch of ice.
  5. Underground Weather and the Weather Channel are now Calling for 8-12 inches of snow in the Charlotte Metro and surrounding areas. http://www.weather.com/weather/alerts/localalerts/28025?phenomena=WS&significance=W&areaid=NCZ072&office=KGSP&etn=0005 http://www.wunderground.com/q/zmw:28083.1.99999.html#warn
  6. The good thing is that the heavy snow early today kept temperatures from reaching 40 today, so it's going to be colder in the morning then originally thought. Means more snow and less ice here.
  7. Hearing New Bern got 5 inches today. wow... Here in Concord, no accumulation left from earlier today and just light snow now.
  8. It's started melting here in Concord, an hour ago my back yard was covered and now it's mostly gone. It's still snowing lightly, just not keeping up with how much is melting on the ground.
  9. It's not warming up like they thought it was going to, the temperature is below freezing now. It's actually gotten colder and colder since the snow started falling. 1-2 inches of snow today, then heavier snow tomorrow. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cMlQsxMpHE&feature=youtu.be&a
  10. Latest snow and ice predictions from Panovich. Have Charlotte Getting 5-7 inches of Snow and roughly .15 inches of Ice. Still has large portions of SC and Eastern NC getting .75 to over an inch of ice. Along with about 2-3 inches of Snow in those areas. He's got Lancaster getting 3-6 inches of snow and close to 3 quarters of ice accumulation.
  11. From what I've read and seen, it's a combination of freezing rain and sleet. An half inch to an inch of freezing rain and sleet sticking to power lines, cable lines, phone lines, road signs....trees... All of that has a great potential to fall with that much weight baring down on it. If Brad Panovich and the models are right, that's a historical storm that's going to be very deadly.
  12. inch of ice, talking over a thousand pounds of pressure on the power lines. Tree's down everywhere, power poles snapping, power lines snapping.... Area's that have above ground phone and cable should expect those to go out along with the power. Almost all of SC would probably be with out power excluding the coast line. Along with northern Georgia and Alabama, parts of NC in the Triangle area. That's all Duke power fed area's and probably a few million people with out power, combine that with the road conditions and the storm lasting for 2-3 days. Probably easily looking at 3 weeks before everyone would have power restored. I really hope the forecast models are wrong about how much ICE is expected.
  13. This sounds just lovely for the area. Also models are showing that there's over a 50% chance of an inch of ice in Columbia, SC. Almost all of SC and parts of Georgia having a high chance of half an inch. https://twitter.com/JimCantore/status/432885265007652864/photo/1
  14. I think the storm shifted in a bit more then the earlier predictions were for. I don't see how weather channel's forcast still only shows less then an inch, when if you watch the videos from this morning they have Charlotte in the 3-5 inch area plus a bunch of ice.
  15. It's still snowing out towards the outer banks. Expecting another 2-4 inches in some places on top of the 10 inches that they got last night. Got barely an inch in the Concord area.
  16. Ummm, the first half was questions...Can't get those wrong. As for MS sponsoring MLG and the COD championship being on xbox's > http://www.majorleaguegaming.com/competitions/68 Modern Warfare was really the last good true COD game, the team made MW2 but it was a hot mess. Sledgehammer and Raven plus what was left of IW made MW3. Anything not made by the original COD team isn't really COD, just like the later version of Medal of Honor weren't really MOH games because IW didn't have anything to do with them. This is opinion based but COD4 was really the last game that glued me in with the series. As for Bungie slamming the game and it's multiplayer. You can look it up, but halo 2's technical lead Chris Butcher said the multiplayer was unplayable and pale shadow of what it should have been. So really the only things I could be wrong about are Halo CE being better then Halo 2 or MW1 and the earlier COD games being better then the ones that were developed by other teams....That's all opinion based really, can't be wrong or right about that. Was I wrong about your experience with PC gaming. So you actually did play CS:S and CS:GO, COD1, COD2 and HL2: DM on PC. I know you play Dota and Starcraft, but I was wondering about the FPS that came out around Halo 2 mainly. Also you were a bad sport and didn't answer the questions. They were simple questions and wouldn't have taken that long.... Oh and If you're a competitive gamer playing on xbox 360 and don't own a scuf controller, I'd recommend buying one. They are allowed at MLG events and they allow you to play with out moving your thumbs off the sticks.
  17. Lmao, oh ok.... I know what both are. Trust me. I've never heard of really good ones using a controller though, everyone knows that K/M is the best control method for FPS. I just have a few questions for you though. Do you have a scuf controller? Do you even know what it is and what it's advantage is. (It's a huge advantage to own one btw.) Do you play your FPS on the PC with M/K? Is that your preferred method of playing FPS? Do you realize that MS sponsors the Ghost Winter championships and is one of the biggest MLG sponsors? Now if you don't play on PC, then you probably don't have any clue what so ever as to what I'm talking about when I say that Halo 2 was garbage compared to Halo CE or that Ghost is Garbage in every sense of the word. You probably won't agree with me that COD hasn't been really COD since MW1 came out nearly 7 years ago either. Then again you probably didn't play the original COD vision that came out on PC in 2003 either. There's also a good chance you never played HL2: Deathmatch or CS:S or CS:GO. Which in turn is why PC gamers in general laugh at FPS games being played on consoles. To everyone not on the Halo 2 was the greatest thing since sliced bread crowd. I'm sorry for derailing and trolling this thread for this long as it wasn't my intention at all. I just hate the fact that people call that garbage, a good game when the people who made it slammed it and called it an unplayable mess. I have the same problem with COD now as well because it's been nothing but a hot mess that needs to be yank from Activisions publishing cycle of death.
  18. I know most didn't mess around with the PP because it rightfully sucked by itself, but if you used it with the BR, it was an easy two shot kill. You should know about the pp double shot kill, right? One bolt, plus headshot with the Br or Mag= death. Also with the BR, If your that good, it shouldn't take all 4 shots at all... You could easily pull off two double shots or the BR instant kill. As for no clue about MLG, Your telling me that the settings removed the vehicles from the game, as well as the all the power weapons and Rocket launcher??? So the only weapons you could use were the BR and the sniper rifle..........Oh, wait... human weapons were available...so the Rocket launcher and vehicles were still there, ..Well that means the game was still unbalanced as well as a glitch fest. As well as the fact that later on MLG messed up the respawn system even more by messing with the settings. lmao My point was the fact that MLG picked up the game means nothing as to it's quality as a game, I mean heck they use COD: Ghost with controllers over TF2 or counter strike in the pro circuit and that's just laughably stupid. My point was that no matter what settings you change, Halo 2 is still a glitchy, unbalanced game. It had poor map design on top of poor weapon spawning on top of gun and map glitches on top of OP RL/vehicle combo's on top of a poor matchmaking system. That sounds like a pretty bad game. A quality game doesn't get slammed in the press about it's poor balancing or get slammed by its creators and called unplayable. I mean you had CS beta, COD 1, HL......ext.....ext...ext...Of course they were all on PC and not on MS xbox. I understand Microsoft threw there money around to get it in MLG and still to this day have a spot reserved for Halo games, right now that spots being used by COD Ghost. MS got Halo 2 into MLG and still sponsors and throws money at MLG to hold that spot for Halo games. Like I mentioned earlier in this thread, I did in fact play the heck out of Halo 2 because of a roommate. I put in over 200+ hours in Halo 2, which is a lot for me considering it's a controller FPS and I didn't like it at all. I preferred COD 1, Counter-Strike, Half Life 2/Deathmatch and Cod 2 all over Halo 2. That's the bigger FPS games that came out in 2003-2005 if you didn't know. They were all vastly superior to Halo 2 in every way.
  19. I've played the game with a ton of different settings including MLG settings and I've seen it played on a ton of others. Despite the fact the I was just making a comparison, but the BR isn't the best weapon in Halo 2. That was the plasma pistol. So it's not the equivalent of the human pistol in CE. However you and dex seem to ignore the fact the whole game was shitty and unbalanced. The only way it should have been used in any competition would be to eliminate vehicles, the rl, power weapons, plasma pistol, and sword from the game all together on top of removing all the animation glitches. Now If I remember correctly MLG settings still had all the power weapons, animation glitches, rl and vehicles still available meaning it was still wildly unbalanced. Halo 2 was poo and it's own developers say as much even going as far to call the multiplayer unplayable.
  20. Weapons are supposed to be balanced and if you build your maps around power weapons, you need the power weapons balanced as well. Screw the increased map size and jet packs stuff, but the weapons needed to be balanced. In the first Halo game you started out with the best gun, human pistol... it was a straight up pure FPS MP game because of that fact. CS is balanced in such a way that all the weapons and maps are evenly balanced and winning is based on skill. The fact that MLG used it means nothing, hell they use COD and it hasn't been worth a damn since COD4. It's been garbage for seven years and each new release is being used still. The fact that they use Xbox one with controllers and not PC's with M/K is laughable as well. MLG pro circuit is a joke when it comes to FPS competition because of those two things. They got it partly right with Dota and Starcraft though.... but Controllers and fps....lol
  21. If I'm a hater then so was Bungie. Lol But I've explained how it was unbalanced, in multiple post already. Having to give each player the br and sniper to help cover up the fact it was poorly balanced shows just how unbalanced it was. MlG rules just covered up one of the many issues with the game. The power weapons were poorly implemented, they had no respawn times which made maps rush this point each and every match, not sure how many times I have to mention that one. In a nutshell, map designs and power weapons broke the game, The rl was op as heck as well. It should tell you something when the games developers slammed the game and admitted to messing halo 2 up. Even going as far as calling it unplayable for them because of how bad it was. lol http://www.gamespot.com/articles/bungie-we-screwed-up-on-halo-2/1100-6164579/ If you would like I can expand on some issues with the games animations as well like double grenades, instant kills with the br. Double fire, quick reload, double melee. Basically the animations were done in a way that they could be instantly canceled to allow players to do things that weren't supposed to be possible. Just all in all a poorly done game that was never polished. Bungee admitted to this when they were making halo 3.
  22. Not casual at all, halo 2 was poorly balanced and I couldn't get into it. I played the hell out of halo 1 though and as far as I'm concerned it's still the best one to be released. Heck I played halo 2 a lot, I just couldn't get into it like I did the first one. It's major breaker for me was never fixed even in mlg settings. The power weapon respawn time and the op of vehicles and rl. Maybe I was too old for halo 2's primitive systems when it released as I was 20. I still to this day can't understand why it ever got to mlg when there were much better mp games on the market.
  23. Not even baiting. I played it a lot because of a roommate loving the game for some reason. Everything I posted is a legit complaint about Halo 2, that's what the article was about as well. It was written when Halo 2 came out and talked about the faults with the game. The weapons were poorly balanced, plasma pistol anyone??? The maps were poorly designed around weapons that effectively ended the match and made one team more powerful and on top of that those weapons didn't respawn unless the weapon was dropped and sat for a while. Map controlling weapons that pretty much made most maps a dash for this weapon match, you got the weapon and the match was over 90% of the time. Dash maps aren't fun in no way shape or form. Next because of the poor map design an weapon spawn system, vehicles and vehicle destroy weapons became over powered. Got the rocket launcher and vehicle, match is over. Those three things combined made every single halo 2 map a dash game instead of a fps. I'm sorry but that's poor design in a nutshell and was widely reported when the game released. On top of all those serious faults was the poorly designed match making system. Host had way too much power with the way the system was designed, it unevened the odds to a horrible degree. I'm sorry but those things added together made a horribly unbalanced fps mp game. Don't even want to get started with bf4, lmao what a horribly glitchy game. It is however fun when you actually get to play.
  24. It wasn't incomplete, nor all that extremely buggy. It was just poorly designed from the ground up. lol The mp was horrendous with numerous design problems. The Spawn system, map design, weapon design, vehicle deisgn and the matchmaking system were all poorly done. I believe that covers the gamut of a MP experience. While the single player experience was meant to end on a cliffhanger in Halo 2 to build excitement for halo 3. With that said it wasn't all that enjoyable for me, I felt they spent too much time designing the horrible MP experience. I'm not sure how most didn't see or remember the press slamming Halo 2 and calling it's MP garbage when compared to PC MP experiences or the first Halo game. What's sad about Halo 2 is the weapon and map system were by design because so many people complained about Halo: CE maps and weapon balance. Oddly enough it's Halo: CE that had nearly perfect balance with it's weapon and maps while Halo 2 was about as far from balanced as you could get when it came to the Weapons and Maps.
  25. LMAO.... haha. Shoddy weapon design, shoddy vehicles, shoddy map designs = a very broken MP experience. (further on this if you click the link.) If your talking multiplayer in general Starcraft blows it out of the water, if your talking about FPS then Counter-Strike blows it out of the water. That's just off the top of my head and both are far away better then Halo 2. Halo wasn't even the best game of that November. The only thing that Halo has to it's name is that it was arguably the first console game to get multiplayer right, but it isn't nor will it ever be the greatest multiplayer game of all time. Halo 1, not 2. Halo 2 was a drastic drop off from the first Halo in every sense. This is Halo 2 in a nut shell. http://www.1up.com/features/broken-halo List the many numerous mp breaking features that Halo 2 had, it was all in all a very shitty MP experience. Console players thought it was gold because they didn't know better.
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