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Everything posted by carpanfan96

  1. Jno24!!!!! Yes, I'll say it again....PAY THAT MAN!
  2. Offense needs points on this drive, even if its 3. Get some of the lost momentum back and quiet the crowd a bit more.
  3. That's clearly a TD, both feet in with one planted and the other dragging.
  4. He also had a herniated disk as well and still played 85% of the Bears defensive plays.
  5. Love the trade, nothing but upside and his play last season and this season show he's still got gas in the tank. Him going back to the 4-3 and his normal RDE spot should respark his career. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets 1-2 sacks this next game alone. Probably will end up with 9-10 sacks on the year as well. He's a perfect fit from locker room to playing style for this defense.
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