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Everything posted by carpanfan96

  1. I must be weird because I felt like Halo went down In quality with the inclusion of multiplayer the way it was designed on Halo 2. Didn't enjoy halo 2 at all, thought both the sp and mp was subpar. Crimson skies was the mp king for me on the original xbox for most of the time I owned one. I haven't really enjoyed a halo game since the first one. I absolutely hated halo 3 and took it back after like a week. Gears was awesome though as a mp experience.
  2. System Shock 1 and 2 are still two of the best action RPG's ever made. They literately changed the face of western rpg's and action games. Then you have the spiritual successor of Bioshock as well. System shock 2 might be one of the greatest achievements in video game history. Not nearly enough people played it and if you haven't played it before I suggest picking it up on Steam and playing it. I didn't vote for Bioshock, because the better half of the SS/Bioshock is system shock 1 & 2. I'm going off of technical merit, gameplay and how much it changed the industry with game design.
  3. I'm so not going to be able to sleep at all tonight. lol
  4. Best Defense in the league and it isn't even close, I don't give a fug what the stats say.
  5. DEFENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Yep, been super hyped the whole game. Lets go Panthers, close this out!!!!!!!!
  7. Just need 1 first down......Come on offense!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. What a ST play there..... Downed at the 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Whew! Defense still needs to keep the play and intensity up at a high level.
  10. Cam and the offense will need a 4th quarter come back to win this game now. Defense needs to stop them again.
  11. San fran fans on the forums are getting worried now. lol
  12. Defense is just wow... Big time play there, Offense needs to get it going here and get some points.
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