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About carpanfan96

  • Birthday 06/17/1984

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  1. Defense didn’t break and gives Bryce and the offense a chance to win.
  2. Alrighty Bryce… I’ll take back the mean stuff I said about your happy feet and what not. Think he’s earned another season with his recent play.
  3. Me as has been ridiculous to start this season. Just absolutely insane
  4. Might have to trade bridges and Williams together for a starting big.
  5. Lamelo time, gotta score for the win.
  6. I would be surprised if we switched cause of Tepper.
  7. Horse collar not called. Whew breath of relief edit: nvm after review it wasn’t but looked liked it live
  8. Let me go with KK for the next one. He’s due a goal or two with how good he’s been playing.
  9. Maybe just maybe, this canes team is better than the sum of the parts and has the scoring juice to make a run.
  10. Necas on pace for 147 points. He’s been stupid good the last 6 games.
  11. Nah I’m good, I’m upset I’m having to see him today
  12. Let me go with svechy on the PP from Necas and Aho just for fun
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