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  • Birthday 04/04/1965


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    Carolina Panthers

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  1. Keep Wilks and staff in tact for next year Give Darnold another year at qb Foreman and Hubbard can be a good enough rb duo Continue to build through the draft Make it known a playoff birth is required to keep their jobs. Anything less you clean house blow it up stack picks and entice the next coaching staff in. What’s another year to see what Wilks and Darnold can do?
  2. Darnold having some time off to reset may have been the best thing for him.
  3. Heck Eason looked better mechanically than anything we’ve had all year
  4. Jacob Eason come on down. Can we air it out now?
  5. This franchise is a total rebuild from top to bottom. When you bring someone in like Rhule and give him the keys to everything and it doesn’t work you have no other choice but to blow it up. There is no telling what goes on behind the scenes if this is what they look like in public.
  6. Man how bad was Rhule and his boys. Regardless of winning or losing this whole teams attitude is different.
  7. Really makes you question the future of the franchise with someone like that in charge. Let’s face it he’s a billionaire use to bullying and pushing his weight around to get whatever he wants.
  8. So what are the chances you bring someone unemployed like that in and say show us what you can do the rest of the year and make a job offer from there?
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