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Everything posted by usmcpanthers

  1. the ol first down up the middle for 1 yard since 1995 play, smh
  2. I love luvu but he did get juked out of jock but Bijan on that first touchdown
  3. I have no expectations, whatever happens, happens.
  4. Played like ass, but keep him around, brcye is small, dalton is old....wouldnt take much to be stuck with corral. I was shocked to see grier look good in the cowboys preseason game. If he can be salvaged , I guess anyone can.
  5. Have we ever defended a screen well in the franchises history? Seems like it's always 15-20 yds against us But when we run one it's almost always a loss. Ill never understand why screens are such a challenge to us
  6. its the truth, with the panthers, it will never change.
  7. So are I feared, we wont be able to protect Bryce. Doesnt bode well on the year.
  8. Well at least we know we are in a new era. We are far enough removed that these yearly articles dont bash on Cam anymore.
  9. I have a mega long list of people who have ring checked me, best belief I would shove it down all their throats!
  10. I should have elaborated, I was more going after the coaching. Chud force fed everything to Cam, Cam even said it was like a firehose. Cam alluded to just winging it in the beginning and being himself. We all know QB coaches never solved his relying on his back foot problem and never worked on improving accuracy. Then we never truly crafted the offense for Cam, within year 3 most weapons were gone, oline depleted. OC's constantly in flux, and Rivera handcuffing of Cam, which allowed him to get plastered over and over. Rivera ran that "Cam save me" well until it went dry. Massive failures from those regimes, we should have had 1-2 super bowls during that era.
  11. Cam was put into the one of the worst situations ever and came out of the gate with back to back 400+ yard games. Im not saying Bryce will do the same, but he is in a better situation and should do just fine. Even if he doesnt, we all know it takes a couple years before he will take that next step.
  12. I'm very happy to be on the Young train! Still miffed we gave the farm for him. We will need more weapons for him.
  13. Yep I'm worried about keeping him healthy, we couldn't even keep a much bigger Cam healthy. That is the only thing that can stop us
  14. draft pick is already trashed, so lets go for the playoffs. Ill believe if we get past the steelers....we struggle vs the afc north.
  15. I thought big kat had enough dough to just buy the team from Tepper.
  16. Nope Rhule will make it the WHOLE season. Tepper will never admit he was conned by the used car salesman.
  17. Cam was smart to turn down the contract in the offseason...
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