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About usmcpanthers

  • Birthday 09/21/1980


  • Favorite NFL Team
    Carolina Panthers

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  1. Cam made me laugh on the lastest episode. He was the break man on Golden Tates repel. Cam joked he was going to drop his ass. Later when Golden said to Cam thanks for not killing me. Cam replied...oh I wanted to drop you for all those times Seattle beat Carolina lmao. Boy did that hit home. One of the greatest games I remember was in '15 when Olsen caught the game winner to finally beat those bastards.
  2. I'm still wait and see, year 3 is usually the year the young qbs put it all together.
  3. Gotta enjoy beating ATL in ATL , so rare!
  4. I'm at the game today section 237 row M seat 15 Keep pounding Christmas present for a friend of mine
  5. I've had three decades of moral victories, im pretty apathetic to them now days. We all knew the NFL wasn't going to allow the golden child lose 2 in a row, especially to us.
  6. I didnt even get excited when we tied it, knew 100% with 1:40 left we were doomed.
  7. Props to @RoaringRiot, it looked like another amazing Euro-Trip! I was at the london calling in 2019, I hope I can make the next one.
  8. Well I had to show up for winning streak pie , since it's so rare
  9. Garbage time, doesn't mean poo Still weak ass arm. Bryce will never be the answer
  10. Soft zone with some pressure, and should have been a pick
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