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Everything posted by jayboogieman

  1. Thanks for transcribing this. I'm glad they didn't make a trade they weren't crazy about. In years past, that is something the Hornets would have done. I'm torn on giving Rozier a new contract. He has played well enough to earn one, but on the other hand, the team is still a ways off before they are a consistent winner. It might be best to trade him while he has a high value and keep rebuilding while Ball, Washington, and Bridges are still developing.
  2. Bought this one last year. I don't much care for the heated seat and turn it off unless it's really cold in the house, but the dryer is nice.
  3. Since nobody else has posted it, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6fGcpp3KzE
  4. The Panthers are in year two of a rebuild. There is a ton of time left to groom a non first round QB if they want to go that route since they warned it would take five years to rebuild. With the timeline the team has said they are on, there is no need to draft a QB in a later round and then in the first the very next year. If they can groom the guy into a quality backup or starter, they win. If the later round QB doesn't pan out, they still have their draft picks to keep building the team for when they decide to move up like the Chiefs did. Of course, this is all mute if they are hellbent on drafting a QB in round one regardless of price this year.
  5. Isn't the push for Watson and moving on from Teddy meddling on Tepper's part? Even if they have changed course and decided to draft a QB, odds are they will overpay to move up to get one of the big four, which would be a result of the owner's meddling. Whatever picks they give up to move up might be better spent on adding more cheap, young talent to the team since they are still years away from competing for a championship.
  6. Sell the stock while the new CEO fires production workers and farms things out to cheaper overseas countries to boost the stock as a short term fix and earn himself/herself a huge bonus.
  7. Thanks for the info! And yeah, that's not good.
  8. I haven't been paying attention to the soccer team. Post some facts for those of us that are curious.
  9. They are also interested in Montrezl Harrell if rumors are true.
  10. If I was the Texans' GB, I would pull a page from the NBA and tell the Panthers they would have to pay me to take Teddy off their hands with more draft picks. The Panthers have already made the blunder of letting it be known Teddy is not good enough for them, why would anyone with a lick of sense be willing to trade for him? The best option when it comes to Teddy for any team that might be interested is to wait for the Panthers to be forced to cut him and sign Teddy for cheap without giving up anything else.
  11. That's a good point. The Panthers have shot themselves in the foot by publicly saying they are desperate to upgrade the QB position. Which was a very stupid thing to do. And Tepper made a worse mistake by letting it be known he is all in on Watson and wants him no matter what it takes. The Panthers have zero leverage in any trade talks. If I was the Texans' GM, my starting asking price would be three first round picks, two seconds including this years' pick, this year's third rounder, Burns, Brown, and Chinn. If I was feeling nice, I would let the Panthers negotiate to keep the third rounder and maybe next year's second. I would fleece or gut them for everything since they made stupid mistakes.
  12. The difference between them is that Watson is not an old white billionaire like Craft is.
  13. Trading for Watson. They're just making sure the money matches.
  14. Panther fans when they see the team signed free agents the first day: Panther fans when they see who was signed: The Panthers front office's answer:
  15. I've never read any of the Warhammer books. Are they any good? Not fantasy or scifi, but Barry Eisler's books are great.
  16. Or trade for Watson, who is not available for trade.
  17. I know there used to be a fantasy book recommendations thread, but it is archived now. If anyone is looking for a good scifi series, Nathan Lowell's Tales from the Golden Age of the Solar Clipper series is worth a read. No galaxy or world saving, but a good series none the less. Here is a link for the first three in an omnibus. Nevernight is a good fantasy read about assassins. Skyward and its sequel, Starsight by Brandon Sanderson are a pretty good coming of age scifi series.
  18. If they can void the contract, does it count against the cap? Because if it doesn't count against the cap it is smart. If it counts against the cap, then it is just doing dumb Hurney things and kicking the can down the road again.
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