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Everything posted by jayboogieman

  1. This Cavs game is just sad. Dell said earlier that it was a defensive struggle. Is that the new code phrase for these guys can't shoot?
  2. The fact that writer got paid to write the same speculation that people have been posting here is just sad.
  3. I'd be happy with either as well. But, if both are gone for some reason, I'd take Pitts in a heartbeat.
  4. That might scare off a couple of the older owners.
  5. Yep. I've said I prefer Sewell or Slater as the pick, but if it's Pitts, I won't be upset.
  6. True Different coaching staff. That said, they did sign a guy to be that TE weapon, but there is no telling how much they will use him. If Pitts is the pick, I can see them using him all the time, especially if he can block.
  7. I was thinking medical reasons, but that works too.
  8. If he fell to 8 there would be something seriously wrong with him.
  9. No LB as thunderraiden explained. Also no QB as the Panthers already have one project QB and anyone that would be there at 8 would also be a project. Use the pick to get an impact player than can play this year. Preferably a LT.
  10. Could be and I wouldn't doubt if you're right. I sort of think the 49ers have broken the market and set a new bar and I hope teams won't be as desperate next year. The 49ers gave way too much up to just get the number three QB in this draft. As for next year's class, there could also be another guy or two that is not being talked about that has a great season that suddenly gets talked about as being a top prospect.
  11. I'd be ok with that. I'd also be ok with the team trading up for Howell if Darnold is bad, but not bad enough to get a top pick as long as the team as a whole is better, especially if the Oline is fixed. Even with a rookie QB, we may end up wondering how long the rebuild will take. You could also trick yourself in thinking there is hope if they are making good decisions to give whoever ends up the QB as much of a chance of success is possible. That could mean one of the top two tackles, Pitts, or a top WR prospect. I'm not in either guy's fanbase, I'm a Panthers fan and want the team to succeed. That said, I don't want them to take another QB at 8. I would much rather put that pick to use on one of the top LT prospects. That position has been a turnstile for way too many years.
  12. You're going to be really upset if the Panthers don't draft Fields. Joking aside, I think it would be a mistake to draft a round one QB while trying to rehab Darnold especially when the team doesn't have an established or good enough Oline to keep them upright. The LT position has been a constant revolving door for more years than the QB position. If our 8th pick helps solve it, then it's a draft pick well spent. Me either. Build the Oline to the point it is good and then worry about getting a franchise QB. Putting the cart before the horse is never a good idea. QB is a hole, but it's not the biggest. The Panthers are not ready to compete for a championship nor just a QB away from doing so. Build the team and most importantly the Oline and then worry about the QB. There is no point in having a franchise guy if they can't protect him long enough to do his job. I think they'll take a QB in the mid to late rounds as a backup and developmental guy, but not as someone to compete with Darnold for the starting job.
  13. Yep. I'm hoping they go LT though. It's way past time that position was properly addressed.
  14. Does Rhule have time to waste a first round pick and draft a QB only to let him sit a year? If Rhule doesn't have time to boost Darnold's confidence or "coddle his feelings", he doesn't have time to let a guy sit for a year. If the Panthers were in a better place, I would have no problem taking a QB and letting him sit if needed. But since the team is still in a bad spot, I would rather draft a player that can play now. That could be an LT, which is more than needed, an edge rusher, a DT, a guard, a center, a CB, safety, or WR. I'm not wild on the idea of drafting a linebacker this highly. And I'll be glad when the draft gets here and is over.
  15. How many young QBs have been ruined by bad Olines? When was Fitterer Seattle's GM and made those decisions? I'd be thrilled with a QB if the Oline was better, but it's not. As the old saying goes, don't put the cart before the horse.
  16. My preferred option is OT at 8. As others have said, the Panthers have thrown whatever at the Oline for years without putting top talent into it and it is past time they addressed that issue. That said, I'll be happy with Pitts or Chase at 8 if both Sewell and Slater are gone.
  17. And you shouldn't. I wouldn't give them a pass if a rookie QB is drafted and flounders either.
  18. What if Robby or DJ are not in the long term plans and they see Pitts as a guy that will be? Pitts and CMC could be a very versatile and lethal duo for years.
  19. And they very well might miss out on a tackle if they don't take one when they have the chance. There is a chance the Panthers might have their choice of every tackle in the draft at 8. If that happens, they need to take whichever tackle they like best. There is no need to have a young QB if they can't protect him. There will be a QB that people don't think much of now that will rush up the draft boards during and after the college season. From what is being reported the Panthers think higher of Darnold than any QB in this class not named Wilson or Lawrence. They seem to think they have solved that issue this year. Time will tell if it is true or not.
  20. Do you just want a guy that can start or do you want an LT that can protect the QB at an elite level for a decade or so barring injury? If there is a big drop off in talent between the rest of the first and second round tackles, other teams are going to be jumping on those guys too. By not addressing the position when they have a chance could be a huge mistake if there is a run on tackles later in the first and into the beginning of the second round. From what has been reported, the FO believes they have addressed the QB position with Darnold. Fields to Atlanta makes a lot of sense since he is a Georgia dude, but they may decide to reload with Ryan one more time before pulling the trigger on his successor.
  21. I don't think he falls to eight. Odds are Sewell, Pitts, Chase, and four QBs will be gone before the Panthers pick.
  22. I agree with you about taking either of the top two OTs. That said, I would be happy with Pitts if he is there and the two tackles are gone.
  23. Fields and Lance are huge question marks too. The Panthers have a chance to take an elite LT prospect. They need to take that chance to protect Sam or anyone else they put in at QB.
  24. Amen Doesn't matter how much potential he has or how good your QB is if they don't have time to throw the ball or are hit every time they drop back. The Panthers are in good position to draft top O line Talent and need to take advantage of it. The Panthers can always draft a QB next year when hopefully teams are not being stupid with what they are asking for and giving up to move up in the draft.
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