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Everything posted by jayboogieman

  1. Tepper has already shown he is willing to meddle with the football side with the Teddy and Watson situations. It's safe to say he would do the same with Fields if he really likes him despite what his football people say. Sure, a Thomas or Revis can't carry a team to a Superbowl alone. Neither can a QB. The Panthers had a franchise QB in Cam. How consistently did the Panthers compete with him? How many winning seasons did he lead them to? Being obsessed with one position is not a path to success. You can only field one QB and they generally take a while to develop. Constantly drafting, trading for, or signing QBs and not giving one time to develop until you find one that is an instant success is a recipe for failure because you are taking assists away that can be used to help increase the team's talent level as a whole.
  2. This post reminds me of when the Hornets signed Big Al and cut short their rebuild a few years ago.
  3. The objective should be acquiring the best talent they can, not adding more picks.
  4. I've used both, but growing up everyone always called them tennis shoes.
  5. I didn't care if he stayed or not. The team is a few years away from competing for a championship. I wouldn't have had a problem if he was there to mentor a rookie.
  6. Tepper was supposed to be the one that wanted Watson so badly and was willing to give up anything for him. He was also reported to be the one that wanted Teddy gone. That doesn't seem like a guy that is smart and lets others do their jobs. That screams meddling owner. Now that's optimism!
  7. lol. I'd rather mutltiquote four or five people than make that many posts in a row. I understand what you're saying, I just disagree with it when it comes to drafts. If teams always picked at the same spot I might would feel different, but they don't.
  8. The Cam Newton era Panthers say hi. Three winning seasons with a franchise QB. It takes a whole team including FO, scouts, and coaches, not just a QB. Part of me wants this to happen just to watch the meltdown. I want the team to finally put LT to rest as a position of need, but CB has arguably been just as big a need for longer. Gamble was the last good CB the Panthers had. Everybody else has been average to above average at best whether due to talent, coaching, or scheme. I hate the argument that a future pick is worth less than a current one. The pick is worth the same regardless of the year it is used. Next year's second could end up being worth a lot if the team really sucks this year. I disagree. There will still be pressure. He would be a ton ten pick, which adds pressure to perform being worth the pick. There will also be the pressure to start and perform well if Darnold sucks and gets benched. Heck, there will be people calling for him to start day 1 if he is the pick. If the Panthers had a healthy Cam, Rogers, or Brady, then yeah, there wouldn't be the pressure.
  9. The Panthers had a franchise QB that a lot of fans think is a HOFer. He had three winning seasons here. That's not sustained success and there is no quick pill to take that gets a team there. All of them except for Jones for the QB at 8 crowd. They traded for him to have one hole replace another in the minds of those that think Darnold is a bust. Watson was never a realistic option. The Texans constantly refused to trade him or take calls for him and then the legal trouble happened. Too many people here got way too caught up in a fantasy. So did Teddy, Walker, and Grier. They didn't have to make the Darnold trade despite how they botched Teddy's situation.
  10. Yeah, Darnold is a gamble. So is any draft pick, especially QBs. Yeah, they have handled Bridgewater very poorly. If it is toxic, the Panthers brain trust made it that way when they should have known better. They didn't do a good job of handling the Cam situation either. Not handling QBs well is starting to become a trend by these guys. Tepper should keep his nose out of football decisions. Tepper is the one that said this rebuild would be a multi year process. He should have the patience to let things play out.
  11. If they don't think Darnold is good enough to be the guy, then they traded one glaring hole(Teddy) for another(Sam). And that is stupid for a team saying they want more picks in the draft, not less since they traded picks for Darnold.
  12. The Hornets aren't going to give all three big contracts since they are all guards. You have Miles and PJ coming up in the next year or two as well. Plus whoever at center. And then Hayward's big contract. There is only so much money they can pay without going into the tax and MJ won't pay the tax for a non contending team. He might not be willing to pay it for a contending team.
  13. I don't see those guys doing team friendly deals. All are young and will want to make as much as they can especially since some team will overpay for one or more of them. Terry might decide to go ring chasing too.
  14. Rookie contracts count at other positions besides just QB. DEs, CBs, and OTs make as much as the example range you gave. Having guys at those positions on rookie deals does just as much good as having a QB on a rookie deal. Why not draft a QB every year? Because it is dumb and a waste of draft capital that would be better spent putting other cheap young talent on the team. Teams aren't going to trade for backup QBs just because you want them to. Grier and Walker have little to no value. Do you really think teams would trade for them just because they are on cheap deals?
  15. If Sewell is there and they trade back, they're idiots. Depends on the value of the coins. Sometimes that 1 dime is a lot more valuable than 2 nickels. Sewell(dime) would be more valuable than two lesser talents(nickels) since he is an elite prospect in the draft and at a position of a long running need. There really aren't any true shutdown corners anymore. The rules just don't allow it.
  16. Just because fans and the media have hyped the class doesn't mean they are that good or will live up to the hype. Next year will have guys hyped up just like this year. Instead of showing that this is a highly thought of class by the NFL, it could show that SF is desperate and being stupid. Why do you keep bringing up Darnold in this discussion? I've never once mentioned him.
  17. And how many times have highly touted classes not panned out? How many times have sure fire, can't miss prospects not panned out? Especially QBs? NFL history is littered with prospects and classes that didn't live up to the hype. SF just didn't overpay, they blew up the market. A few years ago that trade was for the number one QB prospect. Now it is for third best. SF screwed over every other team for years to come.
  18. No. That is proof that SF is desperate and dumb enough to trade 3 1sts for who they think is the third best QB.
  19. If something is no longer fun, then I stop watching or doing it. I refuse to let something like football, (insert other thing here), get to me. There is too much we can't control. I can control how I spend my off time though.
  20. I felt the same about the previous owner and regime. At this point I'll just wait and see what happens. If the team keeps making the same sort of mistakes they did under the previous owner, I'll just quit watching. So far the new guys have been meh. I can find other things to do on a Sunday afternoon than watch something that I have no hope in or get joy from watching.
  21. The GM did say he liked to take developmental QBs in the mid rounds. If they draft a QB this year, that is probably where it'll happen.
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