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Everything posted by jayboogieman

  1. I missed the preshow. No wonder the Hornets are losing. Chuck picked them to win.
  2. One of the worst first halves this season.
  3. Both teams are shooting badly now, but the Hornets are shooting under 30%. That's Bobcats bad.
  4. That buzzer beater just sealed this one unless a miracle happens.
  5. Cody can give them 20 or about that easily enough. He's done it every month or so since he was drafted. He's due. That said, yeah, he's not consistent and never has been. I do agree with you that they should play the rookie centers. They should have been doing that all season.
  6. I need to mute this I think. Hearing the announcer having breathing issues is not something I can get into.
  7. Cody is doing ok. He's scoring more than most.
  8. One if the announcers sounds like they are having trouble breathing.
  9. This got ugly quick. Hopefully they make a game of this and don't get embarrassed on national TV.
  10. I was hoping to see something about all the possible DC fixer upper and cooking shows. Shame.
  11. Hayward wasn't doing a lot before the injury. Early in the season he was great, after the break, not so much. I've said all season that this is Monk's last season here and I stick by that. I think he is gone during the offseason. Disagree. Several of the guys can get to the cup at will. They just prefer to shoot 3s because that is the current NBA game. And that sucks by the way. I prefer the cuts, post moves, and all that jazz. Let the 3 be what it was before and just another tool in the shed instead of the only tool. Melo is a rookie recovering from injury. That wrist is not totally healed up by the way. I also think he bought into his hype and played more trying to prove he should be ROY instead of winning team basketball.
  12. I might would give Graham that sort of contract, but I wouldn't Monk. Unless Monk is on fire, he just doesn't do enough. Let some other team overpay him. Riller might be able to replace Monk and he is on a cheap rookie deal. I don't know if not having Hayward hurt that much. Miles stepped it up in a huge way and McDaniels is a decent bench guy. JB still some learning to do as a coach. As you said, living and dying by the 3 is not a winning way to do things. More so when the team is streaky like the Hornets are. An above average center would help a lot.
  13. Another fourth quarter collapse.
  14. Another bad start to the fourth quarter.
  15. After I typed that previous comment they settled nicely.
  16. The guys are pressing too much, especially Ball.
  17. I was never interested because the price would have been too high. Even less interested now and don't care if he settles or not.
  18. As I stated earlier, Bridges is on another level since Hayward went down with the foot injury. I wonder if Mitch is regretting signing him to that big contract now. If Miles could have been playing like this the whole time it makes Hayward an expensive luxury at best. Miles has played mostly well all season, but not like he has since he cracked the starting lineup. He is probably the best player on the team currently. Miles is at least playing like he is the best anyway. I have the feeling Devonte will get a contract before Monk. He is a local kid and more consistent player. PJ is still figuring things out. Miles didn't look much better last year. I've never been impressed with Monk. He has always reminded me of Bobcats era Ben Gordon, way too streaky. Let some other team have him. Yeah, Rozier seems out of it. Dude needs some rest. I don't remember seeing anything about Ball getting hurt. He was rotating his wrist a lot on the sidelines though. Graham was also balling out, so it didn't make sense to pull him in favor of Melo.
  19. The end of regulation and OT took a Bobcats style turn.
  20. Then he finally makes two in a row.
  21. That was a pretty loud F Bomb. Not Kemba loud, but loud enough.
  22. They've made the comeback and taken the lead. Bridges might be the current best player on the team. Since he took over for Hayward, he's been on another level.
  23. He will still have Pitts to play with for the few years even if Julio is gone.
  24. I think they are just being cautious. The Hornets at most would win a few games in the playoffs this year even at full health. Better center play with a fully healthy team next year should be able to get into the second round of the playoffs at least.
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