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Everything posted by jayboogieman

  1. This is the best part to me. They have their heads in the right place.
  2. Disagree with this. When the Panthers face better vet QBs, they will test the rookie. His chance to prove himself is coming.
  3. Contract year and he is playing like it. Good tackle regardless though.
  4. It's been an issue across every network from what I've seen. Maybe they all hired a bunch of new people.
  5. That would be nice and I would like to see it happen. Considering the team still has other needs, they wouldn't do that though.
  6. Did I say I was pulling for or condoning that approach? I simply said if things turned bad enough then it would be something to consider a silver lining for all the losing.
  7. If things go south bad enough the team will get a high pick and should be able to address the Oline or QB this draft. That's all I got.
  8. Yep. What happened to the northeast will see to the cost part by itself.
  9. I wouldn't say it's been a quiet season. They've used half the names for the year and the country has seen a ton of flooding and damage. It just hasn't happened here in NC or FL so far, which are the two states that get the most landfalls due to their geography.
  10. The only time I can recall seeing a pure BPA drafting situation was the 76ers a few years back in the NBA draft. They took a center three years in a row with top five picks.
  11. Anyone want to do a new drinking game? Take a shot every time the Panthers cut a kicker or the kicker misses an extra point.
  12. The Panthers kicker situation is just a comedy of errors at this point.
  13. News flash! Person on internet tries to be a smartass or tough guy! Story at 11!
  14. Still doesn't mean that they felt Slater would have been a reach at 8. If those rumors are true, it just means they valued having more picks to pick up more cheap young talent vs any one player in the top ten or so guys. Beyond that, rumors are just rumors and should always be taken with a grain of salt.
  15. And you know this how? Have Rhule and Co shown you were they had him ranked? Have they told you what positions they valued in what order? Just because they drafted a CB and have prioritized defense over offense doesn't mean they felt Slater was a reach.
  16. Oline pickings have been getting slim for years. They aren't the sexy positions that get the stats and media attention.
  17. Could you imagine all the damage to property if it was raining all pro LT's? I don't know if the draft didn't fall the way the FO wanted or not. To me, it seems they valued certain players more than others. That's true for every team though. I said during the draft I would have taken Slater over Horn. That's personal preference though. The FO valued Horn more than Slater and that's who they drafted. As for the rebuild, it's year two. There is still a long way to go before the team is ready to compete.
  18. A good front four on defense can mask CB play. The Panthers have done that for years. That said, CB was almost as big a need as LT and had been ignored for as long if not longer while the prior regimes kept investing in the front four. Also, there are no shutdown corners anymore. The rules have seen to that. And even if you want to say there are shutdown corners, it's way too early in Horn's career to claim he is one. One good performance against a first year rebuilding team with a rookie QB doesn't mean it's time to crown him. And since I never get tired of this,
  19. Slater wouldn't have been a reach. By most accounts he was 1B to Sewell's 1A in the draft and considered on a higher level than the other OT prospects.
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