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Everything posted by jayboogieman

  1. Rattler isn't getting his starting spot back. The freshman is a better QB and athlete. If Rattler leaves college, he'll probably be a late first round pick since NFL teams are so QB needy.
  2. Rattler has been benched for a freshman that played lights out last night. The only way to improve his draft stock is to stay in school next year and transfer somewhere else.
  3. With the way NBA contracts have blown up, I don't know if 20 mil per year would be considered a lot anymore. And that's nuts.
  4. They might not think so. Yeah, DJ is becoming one of the top WRs and Robbie isn't bad either. Though they aren't using Robbie well this season so far.
  5. Hayward was the same way. Healthy for years and then all of a sudden, not so much.
  6. Rhule and Co are riding CMC the same way Ron and Co rode Cam because he is their best offensive weapon and chance to win.
  7. Different sport, but CMC reminds me of Gordon Hayward. Great player that is well worth the money he makes when healthy, but always gets a different injury each of the last few seasons that causes him to miss a bunch of games.
  8. It's the second time it had happened during the preseason when they only played four games. Sure, it's preseason, but pros should play better than that. Martin was the only one that looked like he even cared a little during the first half.
  9. Two men enter one man leaves... Ok. ok. The Huddle overreacts to a W or L no matter what happens. Still not good enough? One team wins, one team loses. Unless both are really bad and we get a rare tie.
  10. If the FO can't evaluate talent and need to hire fans to help them do so, they need to be fired yesterday.
  11. No thanks. I'm not the one that made a thread with incomplete or cherry picked data trying to show that a Panthers player was as good or better than the higher priced free agents. You're the one that made the post, you're the one that is supposed to provide all the context and data so people can see what is what.
  12. That's an incomplete picture though. What about the hits, hurries, and pressures allowed?
  13. They played the fist half. PJ and Miles got hurt. Ball got parked on the bench after PJ went out and hasn't played since.
  14. National TV game. Hornets poo the bed every time they play one. Seriously though, two starters were out, Miles and PJ both got hurt in the first half, and everyone looked off no matter what they were doing.
  15. This half is right up there with the game from last week in how bad the Hornets played. Just brutal stuff.
  16. It's happening. Charlotte sports are cursed when it comes to national games. Hornets have four of them this season too.
  17. So is the offense and it's not like the Mavs are playing good defense either.
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