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Everything posted by jayboogieman

  1. I answered the question. If you're not happy with the answer then that is on you.
  2. Yes. Seeing something new can be confusing for anyone. Then you educate(coach in this case) the person so it isn't confusing again. Plus, with more experience and better coaching, Darnold(or any young QB) should have a better idea of what to do when presented with a new look defense.
  3. They pretty much gave this one away. I've never been a big Monk fan and think too many Hornets fans overrate him. He's a super streaky guy and reminds me of Ben Gordon when he was in Charlotte. Ball scored fairly well, but didn't get a lot of assists this game. PG play was ok when he was in. When he was out it was rough though. JB should really play one of the rookie bigs over Biz and have Cody start again. Honestly, they could probably play both rookie bigs and not notice a big difference.
  4. I know guys miss shots, but there are too many of those long stretches were everybody goes cold, like what happened in the 4th this time, for the team to take that next step.
  5. Nice opening half with hardly any defense played by either team.
  6. Melo needs to stop taking those extra long 3s. He misses too many of them.
  7. Cool, but I would rather see it announced that he has signed his rookie contract instead of what he wants as his number.
  8. This has been one of the worst seasons for injuries that I can recall.
  9. They also have voodoo magic that keeps them out of cap hell.
  10. Much needed win, but is it too much to ask for the guys to stay healthy?
  11. I may have misinterpreted your statement about the FO being different than fans, but it reads like you don't feel the FO should be optimistic. True Darnold is not a rookie, but there is no reason he can't approach the season as if he isn't one since from statements made, it appears the team is sort of considering that approach with him. If it works or not, we'll have to wait and see. Different guys in charge now and making the picks. They might have a better idea when it comes to WR talent than Marty and Co did. The last time the Panthers took two receivers was just a few days ago. I agree with you about hoping they have learned from how they handled Cam and Teddy. Both were handled poorly and it doesn't reflect well on the team. And yeah, it killed any trade value they might have had. Your posts regarding Darnold come across as negative even if that isn't your intention.
  12. The opposite can be true as well. We even have the old saying "One bad apple spoils the bunch" to refer to it.
  13. Not if you think a franchise LT or playmaker are bigger needs than QB.
  14. Going to respond to both your posts here. The front office shouldn't be optimistic about the guys they have brought in? What would you rather have, them going around saying these guys suck and we'll be out of a job next year? Why can't Darnold approach this season like he is a rookie, clearing his mind, and be open to learning from the coaches? Is there some law that states he cannot have an open mind and forget about being in NY the last three years? They didn't go all in on offense in the draft. You do remember they picked a corner with the eighth pick right? And then took a another corner and DT later in the draft? Yeah, the Panthers drafted more offensive guys than defensive this time, but they needed to do that no matter who the QB is. Would you rather they didn't act like they expect Darnold to stick? Would you rather they came out and said "Yeah, he sucked in NY. We expect him to suck here, and will replace him next season. So, don't worry about it fans. Buy the merchandise and tickets all season. You'll be rewarded with another high draft pick!" Perception and public opinion are powerful things. If the Panthers believe in Darnold, he might believe in himself and forget about the Jets, and maybe some of the fans will too. He's on the team and the starting QB. The Panthers are giving him a chance. There is no use being upset about it since you couldn't do anything about it except for not watching them play or buying merch this year.
  15. Don't forget the continuity of going with Shula after Ron's first OC left. That was supposed to have been better for Cam instead of bringing in someone from outside the team.
  16. JB should put in the third string and sit the rest. They play again tomorrow night.
  17. And that about wraps this one up.
  18. Not a good start to the third by either team. That said, the Bulls are starting to find their groove with help from the refs.
  19. I'd like to see Melo stop looking for the whistle as much as he does after the play. The refs know it was a foul, complaining isn't going to make them call it late.
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