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Everything posted by jayboogieman

  1. Yeah, the refs can call holding every play if they wanted. It's the sort of thing the Panthers get called for while their opponent gets away with it.
  2. Surprised a flag wasn't thrown on that first play for holding. Then again, it is preseason.
  3. I didn't watch much of the game, but what I did see made me not like Smith's commentary. He didn't sound like a pro or like he belonged in the booth.
  4. And good luck to Kuechly in whatever he does next.
  5. They can always point to the fact they need to address the Oline and QB as reasons for the losing season. Unless Rhule quits, he's safe for at least two more years. Probably three.
  6. I didn't mind the Teddy signing as I thought he would have been used as a bridge to whatever guy they drafted last season or this one. Of course, they did neither. I also expected the team to do more to resolve the Oline issues than signing injury prone backups, but they haven't done that either.
  7. He probably has another two years at least before any talk of being on the hot seat will be anything more than a rumor. That long contract and the talk of a five year rebuild gives Rhule a lot of wiggle room.
  8. Did not other first year coaches have the same outside forces to contend with? Did all of them have losing seasons too? The answer to the first question is yes. The answer to the second question is no. Rhule doesn't get a pass because of outside forces. It's ok to admit last season was bad and that Rhule had a hand in that. I've never said he gets all the blame. There was plenty to go around, but as coach, the responsibility falls to him. It's part of the job. And stop with the personal attacks and name calling. You claim others are trolls and whatnot, yet you are one of the most immature and trollish posters on this board. Nobody else that I've seen have an opposing view to yours has resorted to the same tactics, but you do it all the time. Have a good night. I'm going to try to enjoy the Hornets summer league game.
  9. If Rhule doesn't bear responsibility for the losing season, who does? The players? Tepper? Marty? The fans? Once again, fair or not, credit and blame ultimately fall on Rhule since he is the HC. And unless the team has a total jackass as an owner or they commit a crime, HCs are not fired for anything other than losing. Winning matters. A simple balance sheet shows that Rhule is in the negative so far.
  10. Since you insist: Those are quotes from the guy they named the trophy after. I'm done now.
  11. I'm not beating a drum to fire the man after one year. Though I do think part of the blame is on him for last season. If he had final say on the roster decisions as was rumored, then he shares more than just part of the responsibility for it being another losing season.
  12. Winning and losing has everything to do with Rhule getting the blame for last season. He's the coach. Ultimate credit and blame fall on the coach. Do you think Tepper will keep paying him year after year if he doesn't get the team winning? Last season was strike one. It'll be interesting to see how many strikes Tepper gives him.
  13. Laugh if you want, but coaches don't get fired for not building a culture, being liked by their players, or being hated. They keep their jobs based off winning and losing.
  14. Results, wins and losses, are the only thing that matters. And like POTUS, the coach gets the credit and blame. Last season was another losing one.
  15. Confident: That the Oline will be below average at best again. Terrified: That the Oline will be bottom of the barrel.
  16. For another losing season. He's the coach. It's the same if he coaches the team to a winning season this year. Then he gets the credit. It's the nature of the game.
  17. Fitterer gets a pass until we see how this season plays out. Rhule can be blamed for last season since he was the coach. Even professionals make mistakes or overestimate their ability. Just because the GM and HC believe the FAs they signed are an upgrade doesn't make it true. We'll have to wait and see what happens once they start playing games but from what little I've seen of camp so far makes me doubt they were correct. Then again, I firmly believed they should have drafted Slater at 8 instead of Horn or anyone else since Sewell was gone.
  18. Graham not being here to miss the majority of everything he took inside the 3 point line should help that a lot. Graham did a lot of good things here, but taking shots that were worth 2 points was not one of them. Not having Biz miss the majority of his shots or fumbling a pass should help too.
  19. I think Miles proved last year that he is worth another contract. The question will be how big of one.
  20. Overall, yes. Miles, Melo, and PJ should all takes steps forward just as Miles did last season. Gordon will also be healthy, which makes the team better. PG will be a little weaker as Ish isn't as good as Graham. Center should be better as well since it couldn't be much worse than it was last season.
  21. You guys are repeating the same arguments that were had during and around the draft. This argument is old. Hopefully Christensen works out. I believed the Panthers should have taken a tackle in the first and still believe so.
  22. I don't mind the food suggestions. It's always nice knowing where the really good grub is at.
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