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About jayboogieman

  • Birthday 04/09/1974

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  1. More snow today https://x.com/i/status/1863333042498015601
  2. Beats me. Richards is playing but Ball is in street clothes
  3. Mack Brown and UNC just don't seem to care tonight. UNC shouldn't have let him coach this one after firing him.
  4. Oof. That was the worst extra point attempt I've ever seen. State up on UNC anyway though
  5. Richards and Ball are available tonight. Don't know if they'll play though
  6. Yep. Most likely he's going to want to take a NIL deal and attempt to up his draft stock.
  7. Same back issue that's kept him out all season so far from what I've seen. Dude is pretty much a bust at this point and the Hornets need to draft his replacement this offseason.
  8. And just as soon as I typed that previous post, Clemson's QB throws a pick
  9. Clemson should have been playing offense like this all game.
  10. Eh, he's more accurate than I thought. He's completed over 65% of his passes prior to today. Even today he's completed right at 65% of his passes. What more do you want?
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