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About jayboogieman

  • Birthday 04/09/1974

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  1. Him and Warren lining up wildcat and other odd formations could really throw defenses for a loop depending on how creative Canales is.
  2. You've done a lot more than I have. At this point I just watch the college games and give the Panthers games a go before getting ticked off with them and changing the channel or doing something else. That's if I watch the Panthers at all. But I do like Warren and think he's probably the only guy talked about in the top 10-15, I'd like to see the Panther draft. But that's been discussed before. I liked what I saw of Skatteboo in the season and wouldn't mind him being drafted by the Panthers in the 4th or later. As for the others,
  3. Seems UNC wants to do everything possible to make the tourney now after nearly throwing away the season. They've had a nice win streak going against lesser teams.
  4. And the same can be said for every player on every team. This old positional draft value BS needs to stop, except for maybe RB. And that's my exception to the rule. Even then, if a team feels player x is the best option for them, draft him and don't worry about what anyone thinks about it.
  5. And most recently, I'm pretty sure if you ask Raiders fans about Bowers, they'd say he's a difference maker and was more than worth the pick too.
  6. Uh, you forget about those Pats teams that won with just basically Gronkowski? Kelsey? Tony Gonzalez? Antonio Gates? Witten? Olsen? Wesley Walls? All were at the very least difference makers and did add wins to their teams. A lot of those guys were also the #1 option for their teams too instead of some WR.
  7. Disagree about taking Warren. Warren is one of the few blue chippers at the top of this draft and I'm fine with the pick if they pull the trigger.
  8. Dan already signed away his career when he agreed to be "GM" for Tepper.
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